View dialog tree (help needed)

Well, this is complicated.
I think it's not possible to get it normally. It checks for reaction and it has to be very bad, but I think there's also a bug... since it tries to compare the reaction level to the reaction value, which are two different things.
So reaction levels go from -4 to 4 while reaction values go from -100 to 100 and I think the script tries to go that line if reaction level is lower than -50 which of course is not possible.
There's also another node that checks if reaction level is below -75 in which case Harold won't talk at all just display some floating messages randomly from 180 to 184

So I think your line should have checked if reaction level is lower than -1 or -2 to kinda be on the same level as a reaction of -50.

Anyway, I may be wrong, the reaction calculations confuse the hell out of me.

And if anybody knows, I'd like to know if NOption, BOption or GOption impact reaction in any way or what do they do.

Edit: And if it helps, you'd get that line only when starting talking to him (if the reactions conditions were met), there doesn't seem to be any other dialogue option that leads there.
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There's also another node that checks if reaction level is below -75 in which case Harold won't talk at all just display some floating messages randomly from 180 to 184
Thanks. That's sort of what I was suspecting. It's funny, how these lines are so obviously floats, and yet voice lines were recorded for them.
I need to find out how to get a specific line from an NPC. Is there some kind of visual tool that wold help me see the dialog tree and line prerequisites?.
Так как на скрине?
А где ты взял этот скрипт в нем ошибка, не хватает функции чтения реакции из лок. переменной поэтому некоторые ноды недоступны в игре.


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Так как на скрине?
А где ты взял этот скрипт в нем ошибка, не хватает функции чтения реакции из лок. переменной поэтому некоторые ноды недоступны в игре.
Не совсем. Хотелось бы чтобы фразы сразу из .msg подставлялись, а переменные объяснялись. Я точно что-то такое видел, но может быть это было не для декомпиленных скриптов.
А с файлом я тупанул, брал файлы из мастердата с диска, а там непатченная версия. Вот файл из патча, может в нем что по-другому.
I done goofed with the file, I took it from master.dat on the CD, which is unpatched. Here's the file from 1.02 patch, see if it's any different.


Не совсем. Хотелось бы чтобы фразы сразу из .msg подставлялись, а переменные объяснялись.
Фразы там сразу и подставляются, просто они скрыты (не раскрыты плюсики с фразами).

Переменные типа раcжувать и на блюдичко положить)))
Another thing. In Sulik's dialog there are two options to talk with the spirits.
{326}{}{What do they tell you about this place?}
{327}{}{What do they tell you about our chances?}
From what I gather, first one's supposed to be location-specific, and the other one - some generic responses. However they both seem to only give location-specific lines.
The wiki says "Some of this advice is not place- or quest-dependent, and can be heard anywhere, although they are more philosophical than useful." I've visited almost all locations and nowhere have I heard anything besides location-specific lines from him.
Is this a bug, or I am I just missing something to trigger those lines?


As far as I can tell, they both do the same thing.
They first do a Luck roll, and if you are successful, he'll say something random (from 2 lines) about the location you're in.

If you are not then he'll say some completely random things, from 830 to 839.
There's another thing. There appears to be three blocks of these randomised lines. First starts with
{830}{slk62a}{Where the quaking rock dwells, follow the path you cannot see.}
Second with
{840}{slk63a}{A door is only one path to the other side.}
And third with
{860}{slk64a}{Green will be lucky for you.}

So far I'm only getting lines from block 1. What would be the requirements to get lines from blocks 2 and 3?
Yeah, I wanted to mention those. There is no node going to those.
Maybe one of those blocks was intended for the "chances" dialog?

Because while those two options lead to the same thing they first split into two nodes. It's just that those two nodes are identical. So maybe one of the nodes was supposed to be different.
Oh. I thought maybe they were for different player level, or karma level. Thanks a bunch, this really helps.
All right, this is the last bunch and I'll be off. I suspect that none of the following lines can be triggered in the game, but I'd love to have confirmation of that.
dcFranki - all lines from
{248}{}{Yeah, whatever. Just clean up after yourself this time, will ya?}
{268}{}{You're not going in my back room with that trash!}

GCJEREM - all lines from
{161}{}{You see, it’s all about stuff.}
{167}{}{You see, it’s all about marketing.}

{131}{}{I’d love to stick around and talk to all of your pals about that bridal shower you’ve been planning but I've got better things to do with my time. Goodbye.}
{195}{powr20}{Yeah, you can say that again. And everything’s always tighter out here at ENCLAVE and the fuckin' President's watching us like a hawk.}


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dcFranki - they don't seem to be used. There are other lines in that dialog that are also not used

GCJEREM - should show up when talking to him if (global_var(GVAR_GECKO_REQ_FORM) == REQ_FORM_JEREMY). If whatever that is returns true, then first he'll say "Can’t help you now. I’m way too busy." If you talk again he'll randomly say one of those lines.
Or, if you want to change that GVAR manually to try, you can set it to 3. I don't know what in the game, if anything, does that.

gcpacoff - 131 - You need to get a second time to a certain node. I'm not sure if it's possible, but here are the dialog lines that you can say which will lead there:

- Uh, we’re all fine here. How are you?
- Kneel before me and I may spare your life. Gee, I like the sound of that.
- I no longer insist upon genuflecting. A slight bow to kiss my ring should be sufficient.
- Navarro base? Oh yeah, Navarro base. That’s where we are. Sure. I knew that.
- I didn’t vote for him. I thought he was too interested in getting laid. I prefer a candidate that’s too old to get it up anymore—keeps their mind on the job more.
- You’re not important enough for that information.
- Oh, I’m just…hey, you ever notice that cooked gecko tastes kind of like brahmin butt.
- I am the great and powerful Willie. Kneel before me and entreat my forgiveness and I may yet spare thee.
- Nobody important. Where’s this Navarro again?

So, if you manage to get two of these lines it should get you there.

gcpacoff - 195 - Not accessible. It's in the script but in a node that's unused. This means lines 150, 151, 152, 196, 197 and 198 are also unused.
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dcFranki - they don't seem to be used. There are other lines in that dialog that are also not used

GCJEREM - should show up when talking to him if (global_var(GVAR_GECKO_REQ_FORM) == REQ_FORM_JEREMY). If whatever that is returns true, then first he'll say "Can’t help you now. I’m way too busy." If you talk again he'll randomly say one of those lines.
Or, if you want to change that GVAR manually to try, you can set it to 3. I don't know what in the game, if anything, does that.
Yeah, I don't think anything in the game touches that GVAR at all, leave alone sets it to 3.
gcpacoff - 131 - You need to get a second time to a certain node.
Again, that's probably not possible. Any of those lines leads to
{126}{powr4b_b}{Oh? A wise guy, huh? Look, I’m tracing you right now, pal. We’ll see how smart you feel with internal security all over your fricking ass. Dickhead!}
And further "tracing you" dialog, that I don't think there's any way out of.
Thanks again, you've helped a great deal.