violence and computer games?

My self, I think that violence in computer games is somewhat leading to violence on the streets. What they should do, or enforce it better is to not allow some 13 year old buy a games like Carmageddon which is rated 18's. They should have some sort of identifaction so they could purchase a 18's games. Although, you will always get some idiot behind the counter to would give a very violent game like Carmageddon or Duke Nukem to a 5 year old. Something should be done, but don't take away our violent games because we like 'em.
My Opinion

It is one of my favorite topics. I don't believe that videogames inject violence in people as Senator Lieberman (sp?) wants us to believe. As I see it, humans are born with violence in their genes. It's part of our survival mechanisms. Videogames serve as a safe medium to discharge your tension in a controlled environment, although it depends on why are you playing in the first place. What happened on Columbine and in those cases where "videogamers" perpetrated acts of violence towards other humans? I believe it is not the fault of videogames, but the dipshit kids that were already fucked up and the dipshit parents who want to come out as victims. If they exerted more responsible parenting with their kids, there wouldn't have been a massacre in the first place. Sure, you can ban violence, sex and other topics that you don't want your kid to see (which they are going to see SOMEWHERE ELSE by the way) but when they do see them, they'll have one hell of a time (and not in a pleasant sense) dealing with other chunk of the reality you have deprived them from. Instead, try analyzing these topics with your kid. The results may surprise you.
If you're crazy enough to act out a scene you've seen in a computer game, you're crazy enough to do it even if you didn't see it. That is only, psychopaths will act like psychopaths.

Exception: children. A number of kids get accidently shot when playing with a firearm or get hurt otherwise (some dumbass playing a wrestling match with a 4 year-old baby) every year, when acting out scenes. The only conclusion I can draw is that kids of some ages are just not ready for violent media. As I pointed out in a similar topic couple of years ago on this forum, ESRB ratings should be enforced, and I mean really - ENFORCED, and not just be taken as suggestions. After all we don't sell pornography to underage youth.
Maybe I got a little carried away with violance and computer games, but with violence and TV, that is a diffrent story. Some idiot in America set himself doused himself in petrol (or as you Americans call it "gasoline") and set himself alight, because he wanted to do something stupit and idiotic like on the Jackass program on MTV. It is the same with those violent films, and believe me, you will always find some idiot out there who will try to re-inact a stunt he or she saw on TV and probally will get injured or killed.
Well the movie Jackass did inspire several idiotic acts such as jumping off a hotel roof into a swimmig pool....

as for video games i belive some people get ideas and act them out
but the games dont tell how to do them that comes with research after the game is played
as for ratings, some are ready for graphic games others are not.
how could you sell a game to one 10 year old and not another?
i think parents should limit the time their children play video games
and or be close by to explan that real life is different than whats on the screen.
frankly, i'm growing tired of this topic. once i wrote an article about it for a local magazine. my view is simple - violence in computer games, movies and TV isn't in any way related to violence in real world. if that were so, 80% of the world's population would be homicidal maniacs, because violent action films are shown on TV constantly. if that were so, me and most of my friends would now be psychopathic serial killers, because we played Mortal Kombat, Barbarian (on C64:)) and Wolfenstein all the time when we were 10 years old. incidents like that guy massacreing a cinema while dressed as Duke Nukem are just that - isolated incidents. that guy would have commited the massacre one way or the other - maybe dressed as James Bond, or Terminator, or maybe even Jerry the mouse. what's so funny? if someone is insane, even violent scenes from Tom&Jerry can inspire him to slaughter twenty people. anyway, the only difference between Tom getting blown up by Jerry and that cat from Postal 2 getting blown up by a shotgun is the absence of blood in Tom's case. i still remember a tragic event when a bunch of violent skinheads who were also associated with a Satanic cult comitted a massacre in an american school. guess what - false moralists blamed it all on computer games. the murderers were, namely, members of a Quake II clan. never mind the fact that they were also satanist Nazi Hitler-loving sociopaths...
I think violent games can help stop violence in the real world. When im really pissed i can play a little max payne and go duel barettas on some chump's face as oppose to loading up my .308 and climbing some clocktower....

P.S. i realize this doesnt apply to everyone but i think it applies to some people
Have you noticed?

That most of the people that condemn videogames for being violent and scarring childrens' souls through sodomy have never played one?
We live in a society built on violence, where entire nations are encouraged to support military action against other nations and any country that would rather take the peaceful aproach is branded a coward. parents and the government teach people to be violent.

Most normal people can seperate the reality of life from the violence in TV, film and videogames. Its not often you here about 1 man stopping 100 terrorists single handedly or someone killing a mutant with a laser rifle. The kids who killed those people in Columbine werent doing it because of music or games, it was because they were depressed and angry with society to a degree capable of going mad and murdering people.

politicians should stop saying violence is caused by the entertainment industry while ordering the death of thousands of Iraqi soldiers whose only crime was being brainwashed by a madman, and take a look at how they run society.

mankind will always be violent anyway, its in our genes, the survival instinct.
You simply have to teach children the difference between reality and entertainment. This sort of reminds me of those Jack Chick comics about Dungeons and Dragons where the girl loses her character and hangs herself- ridiculous.

As a father, I won't allow my kids to play ultra violent games or watch violent movies. I do let my oldest boy play Final Fantasy I on PS1, and the multiplayer Halo part where he can drive the vehicles. Is this because I think it will instill violence in him? No, but he is only 4 so I don't feel he has a grasp on being able to differentiate.

However, when he is older (which is more dependent on his maturity than his physical age), I'm not going to make a fuss about it.

Just like when I was young, and played "Army" with my friends. I knew it was okay to point fake plastic guns at my friends, but that it was definitely not okay to point real guns at anyone.

As for AD&D and other RPGs. I'm devoutly religious, like Jack Chick, but unlike him I'm not ignorant and narrow minded. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to play RPGs, finding players has always been a bit of a problem (especially in this small hick town I live in). Will they be "sanitized" quests? Nope, no sex or rape, but still plenty of 'baddies' to put to the sword/spell.
Heh. Heck, I've played Mortal Kombat since I was a weee puppy, together with stuff like Streets of Rage and Street Fighter, yet I did not run around beating up people.

It's never an issue of violence in video games or on tv, that's just an excuse that bad parents use because they never had the time to be around and teach their children the difference between reality and a show.

Sure, sure, the youngest kids make an exception, but once you're older, if you've been raised properly, no amount of music or games or tv is going to turn you into a killer.

Unless you're tied to a chair in a completely empty room with nothing but a tv showing Steven Seagal flicks...
Jazz_Fascist said:
My self, I think that violence in computer games is somewhat leading to violence on the streets. What they should do, or enforce it better is to not allow some 13 year old buy a games like Carmageddon which is rated 18's. They should have some sort of identifaction so they could purchase a 18's games. Although, you will always get some idiot behind the counter to would give a very violent game like Carmageddon or Duke Nukem to a 5 year old. Something should be done, but don't take away our violent games because we like 'em.

i diden`t take any damage from playing carmagedon when i was 13,
i think it shold be up to the individual parents to judge how there child wil be influenced bu playing games like that.
i was 11 when i played FOT 1 was 12 when i perchased it from a store, getting MATURE rated games has never been a problem for me i just hand over the cash and they the games.

but i dont kill people or beat people up!
As most have said, the entire "Video game violence inspired real violence" is B.S.

There's a difference between reality and fantasy. I remember I heard this...somewhere (this is about music, but it still applies):

"If someone goes out and kills someone because some shithead with a guitar told them to, then they're shitheads themselves. They would've done it anyways."