(Dutch Article) http://www.tue.nl/cursor/bastiaan/jaargang47/cursor01/nieuws/n_12.html
According to Brad Bushman, researcher at the university of Michigan, there is a definite link between aggression and violent video games. According to his, apparently valid, research, people that play violent video games really do become desensitized for violence. One of the researches tested college students who played a video game for twenty minutes and were then confronted with a questionaire, while a violent argument was going on outside. Students that had played violent video games took far longer to respond, and estimated the victims pain to be lower, than the ones who had played a non-violent game.
For another article of his about the same subject: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bbushman/BA02PSPB.pdf
According to Brad Bushman, researcher at the university of Michigan, there is a definite link between aggression and violent video games. According to his, apparently valid, research, people that play violent video games really do become desensitized for violence. One of the researches tested college students who played a video game for twenty minutes and were then confronted with a questionaire, while a violent argument was going on outside. Students that had played violent video games took far longer to respond, and estimated the victims pain to be lower, than the ones who had played a non-violent game.
For another article of his about the same subject: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bbushman/BA02PSPB.pdf