First time out of the vault

Okay, I'm a 24yr old dude that still lives with his parents and has mild Aspergers (like 50% of the people that play Fallout I'd wager) I've also been a pretty hardcore alcoholic for the last 2 years or so and go through a liter bottle of rum like every week along with a case of malt liquor. I am also pretty messed up in the head in general and tend to blatantly flirt with like every woman I meet and get subsequently denied by them 99% of the time despite having looks that I'd say resemble a 6/10 and being in better shape than 75% of Americans. I was also fired from my job last week just for showing one of my handguns to a coworker in the back of the store and somebody walked past us and reported me because she is a snitch and thinks I'm Adam Lanza's brother or something lol. I think it's partly due to the fact I've only had sex once and I'm half way to 30 years old, and when I did I couldn't finish and went for 2 hours and it was a bad experience because I only had two hours of sleep before work the next day and she was like 10 years older than me and told everyone I only had a 6 inch wangalang.
Oh, and I've been drinking a lot of water to deal with the dehydrating affect of the alcohol and applying lotion to my face regularly, anyways I got a bit off track lololol.
Okay lets get to the meat and potaterers. I uh have been waking up with hardcore vertigo and like falling out of bed and had a crazy dream where I was being grabbed at by hands while under the covers and a while back I thought there was a huge spider hanging above my head by like 2 inches so I yelled and ran out of my room to find nothing there and I always think things are watching me, I know that something is there and I had a horrible ghost experience at like 12 years old.
I went downstairs to take a shower and it was dark so I turned the lights on and went in and something was standing in there (I'm crying as I type this) so I was in shock and just stood there for like 10 seconds then ran out... and looked in there again and it was gone, you could even see the shadowing of the figure from outside it so I called first and there was no answer. from then on I would always be afraid of that room and it was a large room btw. there was a water heater among other things in the corner with like 4 feet of darkened space behind it and it was never the same again.
I just think that this world is so idk how to put it, weird I guess. It's completely chaotic yet we try to maintain this facade of order and it's impossible. Look at all the depressed and medicated people and the suicide rates. Our governments are molding us into the perfect controllable human. I know I'm not completely whacko because as that one guy said (Idk his name) uh it went something like a crazy person never knows he's crazy idk. Whatever lol.
Wow I typed idk a lot huh?
I totally forgot the reason I typed this and the sad thing is that I'm completely sober right now and managed to type that (all of it is true btw, can somebody send me a medal?
Now I'm going to be reliving that traumatic ghost experience until I eventually forget it again, the next few weeks are going to suck, thankfully I have 5 lights in my room haha!
EDIT: I am actually shaking right now, it could be from the cold though but I think it's moreso because the sun doesn't rise for let me google it sec... for t-minus 1 hour and 3 minutes.
Oh, and I've been drinking a lot of water to deal with the dehydrating affect of the alcohol and applying lotion to my face regularly, anyways I got a bit off track lololol.
Okay lets get to the meat and potaterers. I uh have been waking up with hardcore vertigo and like falling out of bed and had a crazy dream where I was being grabbed at by hands while under the covers and a while back I thought there was a huge spider hanging above my head by like 2 inches so I yelled and ran out of my room to find nothing there and I always think things are watching me, I know that something is there and I had a horrible ghost experience at like 12 years old.
I went downstairs to take a shower and it was dark so I turned the lights on and went in and something was standing in there (I'm crying as I type this) so I was in shock and just stood there for like 10 seconds then ran out... and looked in there again and it was gone, you could even see the shadowing of the figure from outside it so I called first and there was no answer. from then on I would always be afraid of that room and it was a large room btw. there was a water heater among other things in the corner with like 4 feet of darkened space behind it and it was never the same again.
I just think that this world is so idk how to put it, weird I guess. It's completely chaotic yet we try to maintain this facade of order and it's impossible. Look at all the depressed and medicated people and the suicide rates. Our governments are molding us into the perfect controllable human. I know I'm not completely whacko because as that one guy said (Idk his name) uh it went something like a crazy person never knows he's crazy idk. Whatever lol.
Wow I typed idk a lot huh?
I totally forgot the reason I typed this and the sad thing is that I'm completely sober right now and managed to type that (all of it is true btw, can somebody send me a medal?
Now I'm going to be reliving that traumatic ghost experience until I eventually forget it again, the next few weeks are going to suck, thankfully I have 5 lights in my room haha!
EDIT: I am actually shaking right now, it could be from the cold though but I think it's moreso because the sun doesn't rise for let me google it sec... for t-minus 1 hour and 3 minutes.