Walk with me

is it a graphical bug under the chin? a black spot appears when the file is supposed to loop. looks like there's something inside the model that breaks through the vector. is it an underlying bones rig maybe?
Yeah, noticed that as well. Maybe it's bird poop, eh?

Anyway: I like it. Although I have to say that the guy walks woodenly. It's like he has got a severe case of diarrhea and he's squeezing his buttocks so the juice doesn't flow out.
alec said:
Anyway: I like it. Although I have to say that the guy walks woodenly. It's like he has got a severe case of diarrhea and he's squeezing his buttocks so the juice doesn't flow out.
Dude, you normally walk like this in a stiff suit. Ever saw someone running in a plate armour?
I HAVE seen people walk in plate armour and I have to agree that he walks a bit odd.

But it's probably the weight's point of ballance that's about to knock him over everytime he moves that's causing this.

The torso/head part of the armour seems rather heavy in comparison to the rest (unlike plate armour, which is more evenly distributed) so that's probably why he walks that way.

Of course it's more likely that the animator sucked, but we're trying to ignore that possibility here.