Wanna see what Fallout was BEFORE it was released?


First time out of the vault
The Dual Fallout/Fallout 2 CD had a GOODIES folder containing a screen saver and the Test module for tesing the Fallout engine. This is the text from the Readme file:

Here are some goodies for you. The first is a Fallout screen saver,
named FALLOUT.SCR. Just copy this file into your Windows directory,
and use the Display Control Panel to set your screen saver to Fallout.
Of course, this screen saver requires Win95.

The second is the original prototype version of Fallout. It was written
in 1994 as a test for an isometric, hex-based engine. Just run MAIN.EXE
to see the game. You can paint the scenery and move the knight around
with the mouse. Just press Quit to end the prototype. Wow, Fallout has
come a LONG way, eh?


The Fallout Team.
September 1997.

The file I ZIPped up can be retrieved from my FTP site here. It is called FalloutTest.zip.


THIS IS A ***DOS*** PROGRAM, so you MUST have a 100% DOS compatible PC to run them. Un zip the MAIN, DOS4GW and DATA files in the same folder. To change "modes" after painting the ground click the RIGHT mouse button (mouse button 2).
Funny litttle thing. Nice art though, in a primitive, simple kind a way. Do you think they would have predicted what graphics are like, now e.g. CGI Gollum? Probably. I can see technology, and hopefully RPGs going a long way in the future.
I was actully expecting something like gridlines and stuff, but never actual graphic sprites. I wonder if the Knight represented what they had in mind for the game at first? Sort of a midevil RPG game? Hmm?
More likely just their sense of humour. They were going to kick all those D&D style games for a change and improve on Wasteland by 1000000%.
yeah, its on my fallout1 Cd as well, great fun... and fallout *did* come a long way :P
macke said:
404 on the file, anyone care to upload it? Pretty please? =)
Make sure you know whether or not you or anybody who is responding to this request knows the full legality of said actions before doing so or discussing it.
Goodies is on Fallout 1 CD, in Programs folder.
I have it on my CD but it doesnt work for some reason. A dos window pops up and disappears in a second. Any help?
Did you try the tip in the very first post of this thread?

pauljc said:
THIS IS A ***DOS*** PROGRAM, so you MUST have a 100% DOS compatible PC to run them. Un zip the MAIN, DOS4GW and DATA files in the same folder. To change "modes" after painting the ground click the RIGHT mouse button (mouse button 2).

If this doesn't solve the problem, let us know.
Oops, sorry I missed that part, I thought it was his signature message.
They should have included this knight in Fallout just for fun. In some random encounter or something.
THIS IS A ***DOS*** PROGRAM, so you MUST have a 100% DOS compatible PC to run them. Un zip the MAIN, DOS4GW and DATA files in the same folder. To change "modes" after painting the ground click the RIGHT mouse button (mouse button 2).

How would I change my XP computer so its 100% DOS?

I tried opening DOS then entering the location for MAIN.EXE but it says theres a problem with the font or something
pauljc said:
The Dual Fallout/Fallout 2 CD had a GOODIES folder containing a screen saver and the Test module for tesing the Fallout engine. This is the text from the Readme file:

Yea, even after changing the compatability mode on the MAIN.EXE goody, it doesn't work. All that happens is a DOS window pops up real fast, then closes.

Then I tried to download what was in the OP's thread, but my fucking security settings don't allow me to download it. Whenever I try to set my settings to LOW, Windows tells me that that setting is too low, and to pick something else. I can't even tell my own fucking computer what to do.

The screensaver is boss, however.
Stop using Internet Explorer, then. That should fix those problems.
Also, you should be able to ignore the security warning.

Also, you should try using DOSBox. That should be able to run it.