war hammer


Ok, I have gone into the game workshop stores a few times because I like to see the painted figures and see what kind of images they use.

But I am pretty clueless on the whole thing. What is Warhammer really about? I am seeing Orcs and space marines? They are also selling warhammer books and all sorts of stuff.

When I was a teen there was quite an interest in selling little metal figures of fantasy characters, but this looks much more sophisticated.

Any players?
I used to play, before I got a life. :wink:

There's Warhammer, which is orcs and trolls and stuff, then there's Warhammer 40k, which is space marines, aliens etc.

It's a tactical board game, kinda like battletech, but there's no map grid.
yeah, same as Dove, I once played it.

Games Workshop is pretty expansive, they used to have Heroquest to, which was a kind of board game RPG

Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Epic 40k, Gorkamorka, Blood Bowl and whatever they have now are pretty much all tactical tabletop games where armies scrap it out with each other, all with other settings and other rules, all are expensive...
Man, I still play Heroquest now and then. It was a really fun game when I was a kid.
But if you're really interest in Warhammer, go to this website
Its a really fun hobby, and there's nothing really like exquisitely painting your models. The painting is a really fun part, and there's an ENORMOUS amount of history, what with the codecs and all. The only downside is that it tends to get a bit expensive.
King of Creation said:
Man, I still play Heroquest now and then. It was a really fun game when I was a kid.

HeroQuest was good and simple...

But Advanced HeroQuest was a work of genius. Man, that game was good. Didn't have the whatchamacallems...fimirs anymore, at least they weren't common

Games Workshop used to have a collectible cardgame too, a long time ago, I still have some packs.
I did a quick search on e-bay. Some good deals there if you are looking to build an army on the cheap.
did you read the part that says +posting fee?
it's pure crap living in a country nobody know where it is...
Yes, I did a search in ebay for warhammer products and got some results. I was just wondering if this was an alternative way to build your army at a reasonable cost.
Usually half the fun is in painting your army, and ebay seems to sell mostly pre-painted models. You'd have to make sure the army books are the most recent versions too, unless you're looking for the older ones which have more fluff (but aren't compatible with the current rules).

Quick presentation: Games Workshop has two main games, Warhammer (also called Warhammer: Fantasy Battles, or WFB) and Warhammer 40.000 (often shortened to WH40K or even 40K).

- The world of Warhammer is one of fantasy, with elves (high, dark, wood), orcs, humans (Imperials, Bretonnians), dwarfs (regular, Chaos), skaven (Ratty's kin), lizardmen, chaos warriors, chaos demons, and chaos goatmen. Armies are made of regiments (minimum 5 or 10 models) organised in close ranks, with artillery, monsters, and heroes for extra punch. The various races are described in Army Books.

- The world of Warhammer 40.000 is a sci-fi one, with space marines (the most popular because they're tough and easy to paint), orks, humans (Imperial guard), Eldars (=elves), Dark Eldars, Chaos marines, Sisters of Battle (power-armoured nuns), and tyranids (think Aliens). Armies are made of squads whose members must be 2 inches from each other, with vehicles and heroes for extra punch. The various races are described in Codexes (calling them Army Books will get you a rough time in France). Troops are more mobile than in WFB, and there are obviously more ranged weapons.

A battle lasts for 4 to 7 turns made of separate phases : movement / magic (WFB) / shooting / melee / rally. Each player has a whole turn in turn (if you see what I mean). Points are awarded for destroying units or for mission-specific objectives. Games can last upwards from an hour.

Other GW games include :
- Mordheim (WFB universe), Necromunda and Gorkamorka (WH40K universe), where each player controls a gang whose members gain experience and equipment between battles. Rules are more detailed, and include weapon jams and knock-outs.
- Battlefleet Gothic (WH40K), where each player controls spaceships.
- Warmaster (WFB) and Epic 40.000 (WH40K), where each player fields an huge army of tiny models (about 1/4 the size of WFB models).
- Blood Bowl (WFB), American football with weapons.

Phew! Any questions?
Thanks and yes I probably will. What about the computer based games from the war hammar series? Any good?
My hat goes off to all of you that play the warhammers, I tried to do one once, got a thirty dollar set of a regiment of orks, and damned if I didn't turn my wooden table green! A bit too artsy for me, but kudos to those that do it!
Space Hulk and Space Hulk: Revenge of the Blood Angels are neatly scary (yet lack variety), while Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat and Warhammer: Dark Omen are reasonable (crummy interface and graphics though). The other Games Workshop PC games are dreadful, apart from the old Blood Bowl which has nostalgia value.
As a die-hard GW fan, I'll always tend to find something enjoyable about their games, but I must admit there isn't one which I play often.
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels is a great game :P

"What was that?"
*Order a soldier to cover the corridor when you make your retreat*
*change view to the rearguard*
*Lots of firing, shouting, evil laughter and flying guts*
"Die, you alien scum!"
*hear a horrible "click"*
"My bolter is jammed!"
*Charge into close combat, win one or two before inevitably getting cut up*
*change view*
*The remaining troopers weld the door shut and head on*

Try it! Though if you have XP on your comp, no chance :(
I was checking out some of the 40k stuff and gatdamn do the Imperial Guards kick ass.

If I were rich and had more then 20 days left, I would probably try and play this game with the IGs.

The Basilisk is crazy cool.

Mohrg :twisted:
Shadow of the Horned Rat is hands down the most difficult RTS game on any console and quite possible on the PC too. Not only were the controls kinda bad (it was on a console) but the enemies were unforgiving and they would often outnumber me. It reached a point where I was getting my ass handed to me nine out of every ten battles, and I had to restart my campaign several times because I had run out of funds to keep my army strong.