Ahoy, ye salty dogs!
Get yer shotas an' choppas ready, boyz! This is a right an' propa WAAAAAAGH!!!!
From RelicNews forum said:THQ Inc. today announced that a second stand-alone expansion for its genre redefining real time strategy game, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II, is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2011.
Taking place years after the events in Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising, this title allows players to choose their perspective with the first multiple-race single player campaign in the Dawn of War II series. The first race to be revealed is the savage Orks, but no matter which race is chosen players will be taken on an epic journey through each story arc, revealing the answers to many questions left open in previous Dawn of War titles.
As well as the single player campaign, Retribution will feature new multiplayer units, maps and an entire new playable faction when it ships.
Jeff Lydell, Producer of Dawn of War II - Retribution commented: "We all love the Blood Ravens here at Relic Entertainment, but there are also a lot of fans of the other races and armies out there so we decided that Retribution should allow the player the freedom to experience the campaign from the perspective they select."
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II -- Retribution is scheduled to be released for Windows PC in the first quarter of 2011.
Get yer shotas an' choppas ready, boyz! This is a right an' propa WAAAAAAGH!!!!