Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War II: Retribution [WAAAGH!]


Ahoy, ye salty dogs!

From RelicNews forum said:
THQ Inc. today announced that a second stand-alone expansion for its genre redefining real time strategy game, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II, is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2011.

Taking place years after the events in Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising, this title allows players to choose their perspective with the first multiple-race single player campaign in the Dawn of War II series. The first race to be revealed is the savage Orks, but no matter which race is chosen players will be taken on an epic journey through each story arc, revealing the answers to many questions left open in previous Dawn of War titles.

As well as the single player campaign, Retribution will feature new multiplayer units, maps and an entire new playable faction when it ships.

Jeff Lydell, Producer of Dawn of War II - Retribution commented: "We all love the Blood Ravens here at Relic Entertainment, but there are also a lot of fans of the other races and armies out there so we decided that Retribution should allow the player the freedom to experience the campaign from the perspective they select."

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II -- Retribution is scheduled to be released for Windows PC in the first quarter of 2011.


Get yer shotas an' choppas ready, boyz! This is a right an' propa WAAAAAAGH!!!!
Fool. Orcs were genetically engineered by the oldest intelligent race to fight the Necrons, as were the Eldar.
"Genre redefining real time strategy game" ???

Fucking bullshit !
Dawn of War I partly redefined the genre, yes. It was nervous, tactical, stylish, and the influence/strategical points battle was an interesting step forward compared to the usual resource battles STR have got us used to.
Dawn of War II doesn't do shit except transform it into a Diablo-like clickfest. They took all the strategy and tactics out of the title, and replaced them with MMORPG powers, levelling, magic items.
And to top that, they fucked up the dark and sharp visual atmosphere to replace it with blizzard-like cartoony graphics and rainbow coloured superpowers...

They're just pumping more $ from an already dead franchise, that's all...
I'd say DoW II added a lot of RPG elements and tactical gameplay, at the expense of some strategic play.

It's slightly different from the more RTS-pure DoW I, but I don't see it as a bad thing. Had fun with both and its expansions.

The death animations were great and pretty funny by their over-the-top-gore in both, especially the ones involving Dreadnoughts/ walkers slamming enemies into the ground after burning their heads off.
Wooz said:
I'd say DoW II added a lot of RPG elements and tactical gameplay, at the expense of some strategic play.
i like to call this standard RTS focused on around heros, which was perfect DOW2 40000 was simple enough so even my father could play it.
mor said:
Wooz said:
I'd say DoW II added a lot of RPG elements and tactical gameplay, at the expense of some strategic play.
i like to call this standard RTS focused on around heros, which was perfect DOW2 40000 was simple enough so even my father could play it.

Yeah, or how casual gaming killed a good strategy license. Even my grandmother could play it, and win, but I'm not sure it's a good sign. I have nothing against casual gaming but... just create new licenses instead of fucking up an already established one.

Besides, adding spells and powerups is not what I call "adding tactical gameplay". DOW1 was way more tactical i.e., it involved managing your units on a small scale, than DOW2.
The superpowers they added just turn it into, like I said, a Diablo like click-fest where the important thing is to use your spells AS SOON AS they cooled down.
i too dislike hero centric games but i never commented on any of that(especially as i never played DOW1), only pointed out that my experience of DOW2 was very positive since its really hard to find good simple "linear" RTS games for 60+ year old's.
What boggles my mind is why they never make a Warhammer game catering to, you know, Warhammer players. These games have nothing to do with Warhammer apart from the armies being the same. The last game that actually resembled the wargames was what, Dark Omen? Or that new fantasy battles release? Mark of Chaos? Where musket armed guys could shoot straight into close combat through your own infantry. :roll:

This is why I play Total War.
Funnily enough one of the thing's that shit me off in DOW2 was Terminator armor breaking walls. Not being able to take cover was incredibly crap.
Aphyosis said:
Funnily enough one of the thing's that shit me off in DOW2 was Terminator armor breaking walls. Not being able to take cover was incredibly crap.

You don't know that Terminator armor has the same stats as being in light cover? Shame on you, man...
Makenshi said:
Aphyosis said:
Funnily enough one of the thing's that shit me off in DOW2 was Terminator armor breaking walls. Not being able to take cover was incredibly crap.

You don't know that Terminator armor has the same stats as being in light cover? Shame on you, man...

Haha. Nah, in the end i ditched it and ran with normal gear, but i really wanted to use the Cyclone missile launcher.
So far I have been only able to find The Platinum edition of DOW. Played the Demo and I liked it.
TheGM said:
So far I have been only able to find The Platinum edition of DOW. Played the Demo and I liked it.

I consider Dark Crusade to be the high point of original DoW anyway. Soulstorm just added Sisters of Battle, Dark Eldar and aerial units which didn't really feel all that good.
Hoxie said:
TheGM said:
So far I have been only able to find The Platinum edition of DOW. Played the Demo and I liked it.

I consider Dark Crusade to be the high point of original DoW anyway. Soulstorm just added Sisters of Battle, Dark Eldar and aerial units which didn't really feel all that good.

Yeah I was going to ask if Soulstorm was worth it. I guess I'll go with the Plat Edition. That way I can get to use the Imperial Gaurd and give those damn Tau the asswhoopn they deserve!