Warm shapes


Antediluvian as Feck
I know about warm colors and such, red and yellow, but do you see some shapes as warmer than others? Is this because you associate them with something warm, or is it something else?
I always considered larger rectangular shapes as somewhat warmer than other.

Maybe they remind me of blankets, or houses?
never really thought about it. but it would be interesting to see more about it. could be master thesis material.
Haven't thought about it but would probably associate warm with curved shapes and cold with angular/sharp shapes. A random link to some organic things vs say, crystals? Cold is uncomfortable, so there are pointed edges?
I'm more color oriented, red towards yellow means warm, the rest mean cold, except black, that can be anything. Shapes come as a distant second.
You forgot brown, martinez. Brown is warm. Really warm. And runny.

The Big Pink is warm too.

Actually the egg hints at a nice warm uterus. I'm not going to comment the delicious part at this time 8-)
I have to design a generic product that's "warm". It has to be based on a sphere and a cube (although other shapes can be added). Right now I'm drawing some kind of half sphere (or upper part of sphere) with a cube resting on top of it.

I feel generally uncreative about this particular product, although the "hard" and "robust" products went pretty well.
Color contrast is your friend here. Nothing defines "warm" better than the secure kind of warmth that you get under a blanket on a cool day, and there's no better way to achieve that general effect than by contrasting a mellow warm shade with one that feels decidedly cooler without drawing the eye.

The first thing that springs to mind for me with the shapes you mentioned is a mellow sun-orange sphere inside of a lidless blue box, which has the added appeal of suggesting warmth from within, all psychological-like. Hell if I know how you'd market something like that, though. Heat lamp?

(After edit: re-added the lamp bit because quietfanatic is a ninjaposter of unparalleled skill and has already taken it and run with it.)

(After-after edits: and then tinkered with ninjaposter a few times because my twitchy literary OCD couldn't decide if it should be one word or two.)
For the "hard" product I basically made a long cube lying down with a quarter sphere attached to it, and a pyramid containing a monitor on top of the cube. Very sharp corners, hard metal like titanium or high-carbon steel.

For the "robust" product I followed kind of the same principle; a long cube standing up with a quarter sphere attached to it. Monitor is on the sphere and buttons on the cube, which has very rounded corners. I was thinking stone or concrete as a material here, although I'm not sure that would be acceptable (probably will though). I added screws attaching the partial sphere to the cube. Tried to limit dividing lines, might try and make a few welding lines for added "robustness".

The warm product so far kind of looks like a mosque, or a flattened muffin. I'm trying very rounded, and not so high shapes, to make it feel cozy and generally warm (I'll try to make sphere buttons). Plastic is probably the material I'll choose, orange with red and yellow highlights or the other way around. I was thinking some kind of fabric or textile material first, but decided against it, as it kind of looks like some kind of electronics device.

I'll try and post pics later.
Zaron said:
I always considered larger rectangular shapes as somewhat warmer than other.

Maybe they remind you of a PC monitor? :lol:

Great thread idea, but everyone's said what I've already though especially Quiet Fanatic.

The Vault Dweller
Yeah, female shapes are pretty "warm".

What irritates me is the difficulty in making the distinction between "warm" and "hot". So it might not be a good idea to call my product "lava".

What's a warm *name* then? I'm trying to think of a name for my product, but "lava" is too hot. I need something... Milder.