For the "hard" product I basically made a long cube lying down with a quarter sphere attached to it, and a pyramid containing a monitor on top of the cube. Very sharp corners, hard metal like titanium or high-carbon steel.
For the "robust" product I followed kind of the same principle; a long cube standing up with a quarter sphere attached to it. Monitor is on the sphere and buttons on the cube, which has very rounded corners. I was thinking stone or concrete as a material here, although I'm not sure that would be acceptable (probably will though). I added screws attaching the partial sphere to the cube. Tried to limit dividing lines, might try and make a few welding lines for added "robustness".
The warm product so far kind of looks like a mosque, or a flattened muffin. I'm trying very rounded, and not so high shapes, to make it feel cozy and generally warm (I'll try to make sphere buttons). Plastic is probably the material I'll choose, orange with red and yellow highlights or the other way around. I was thinking some kind of fabric or textile material first, but decided against it, as it kind of looks like some kind of electronics device.
I'll try and post pics later.