Residential Zealous Evolved Nano Organism
Fallout 3 is a poor Fallout, but it's not on the same level as Fallout 4.
Little Lamplight.
*Drops mic*
Fallout 3 is a poor Fallout, but it's not on the same level as Fallout 4.
Fallout 3 is like looking at two amazingly complex and deep games and going "Hey, how can we turn this into a mediocre at best generic FPS?"
Little Lamplight.
*Drops mic*
Can't shoot anyone in Little Lamplight.
That is the situation Fallout finds itself in; while we try and fail to attempt to fix the pieces, we all know that the war was lost when the IP changed hands.
Sure, but that really comes down how you define the legality of it.You mean when it was stolen.
Kid settlement ain't a bad idea in a Fallout game. If anything it brings the tribe of children from Beyond Thunderdome into mind. And IMO it was executed pretty well.Little Lamplight.
*Drops mic*
Something I thought of that I think is kind of funny. For those who are familiar with the 40K universe and its lore they know how in depth and essential it is to the actual game. Imagine if you will GW sold off this multi million dollar IP and the new owner completely wrecked the stories and lore that are the keystone of its incentive to play.
Kid settlement ain't a bad idea in a Fallout game. If anything it brings the tribe of children from Beyond Thunderdome into mind. And IMO it was executed pretty well.
The 16 to 18 year olds probably push out a couple babies before they're whisked off to Big Town. That and some of the Lamplighters are stock from outside, in the Wasteland.Who the fuck is birthing the kids? Why aren't they raped by supermutants yet?
The 16 to 18 year olds probably push out a couple babies before they're whisked off to Big Town. That and some of the Lamplighters are stock from outside, in the Wasteland.
You say some are from outside, but no one ever mentions that they are, no one ever comments that someone dumped their kids in Lamplight, no kid ever mention that they came from somewhere else.The 16 to 18 year olds probably push out a couple babies before they're whisked off to Big Town. That and some of the Lamplighters are stock from outside, in the Wasteland.
World Health Organization said:Early childbearing increases the risks for both mothers and their newborns. In low- and middle-income countries, babies born to mothers under 20 years of age face a 50% higher risk of being still born or dying in the first few weeks versus those born to mothers aged 20-29. The younger the mother, the greater the risk to the baby. Newborns born to adolescent mothers are also more likely to have low birth weight, with the risk of long-term effects.
Who the fuck is birthing the kids? Why aren't they raped by supermutants yet?
None of them has armor of any kind, from all the whooping 5 weapons they have, only the Wazer Wiffle would do anything to a Super Mutant and only if the user has good Energy weapon skill and perks (he has 12 energy weapon skill and NPCs can't have perks). Even one Super mutant could take over all of the Little Lamplight by itself using a Nail Board.
If its not based on in game info then it ain't canon. There are no babies. No mentioned pregnancies nothimg to suport that theoryThe 16 to 18 year olds probably push out a couple babies before they're whisked off to Big Town. That and some of the Lamplighters are stock from outside, in the Wasteland.
If its not based on in game info then it ain't canon. There are no babies. No mentioned pregnancies nothimg to suport that theory
Apparently Eulogy Jones can't keep kids from escaping (despite the bomb collars) or some stupid stuff like that:I haven't thought of this until just now, but what exactly is stopping the slavers from taking all the kids from Little Lamplight? Why would they ask you to lure out the youngest one when they could easily go in by force and take them? What would stop a bunch of raiders from going in and wiping them all out?
Using the Slavers to empty Little Lamplight would have been a "good" way for an evil/slaver Lone Wanderer to access the vault and get the GECK while making some profit. But even in that Bethesda lost a chance.Lone Wanderer: You ever thought about collecting some of the kids in Little Lamplight?
Eulogy Jones: Sure, I've thought about it. Kids can get a killer price, when you find a buyer who recognizes the product's long-term potential.
The real problem's holding them until there's a buyer. Kids are sneaky, and those Lamplighters are tenacious little bastards.