Too bad they didn't fix all the bugs

I really enjoyed second run but thanks for lacking of servo motor,
I have to quit and play Fo2...
I tried what ever I can though.
tried super lootbag, repairing broken toaster and map reset.
of course, I find another one from Quartz but that wasn't enough.
and... there was something wrong with map reset so I can't even replay

I guess using data files from old version(1988 version) was bad idea.
but I guess it's not a big problem since it's rare bug and my luck was too bad enough to find any servo motor from either of lootbag.. damm.. I found almost every items from super lootbag but servo motor. was that kind of curse of world?
anyway, it's worth to play.
dialog is really poor(not because it's keyword system. but because dialog is used poorly)
but aspect of using what method to solve situation which is profession of Fallout series,
it's ar better than any other Fallouts. and it's writing is really awesome.
description of situation, place, people and other things are awesome enough to enjoy even the graphic is premeval.
one of old school gamer said " Wasteland is kind of text game. graphic just indicate map and where you are." I think he's right.