Mildly Dipped

Brian Fargo tweeted that they're in progress on fixing the camera in the PC version.
I, myself, haven't experienced any problems with the camera because I've spent 4 hours creating my characters and I'm still not done yet. :p
Is it broken now? I wish they would fix the crappy angle/tilt when zooming out. I try zooming out to see more but the auto-tilt just lets me see the same area from a bit farther away. Or does this mean it's fixed now? In any case, Fargo is clearly twittering while drunk. I mean, "Not everoyne had the same reaction but we undestand it used to work a cetain way."
Before the recent hotfix, the camera zoomed out the same way, but not as high so it was quite useless. It's still not very useful but it's at least better than how it was. I don't think they seem to understand that we don't want it to zoom straight up, we still want it to be the standard isometric view just zoomed out a bit. Maybe they'll figure it out eventually or maybe they can't get it to work that way due to limitations of Unity or something? Dunno. *shrug*
Maybe zooming out would show too much area outside the level if they don't point the camera down further.