Wasteland 2 Kickstarter hits $700,000, new video coming


But best title ever!
That's great. I absolutely loved their trolling on publishers and today's game design principles.
13pm said:
That's great. I absolutely loved their trolling on publishers and today's game design principles.

Yep. It was exactly the sort of thing you know the dudes from Obsidian and elsewhere have been holding their tongues about for ages. Nice to see somebody actually come out and call bullshit on the industry and the brain-dead audience their methods have created.
He's also calling out publishers for not supporting the kickstart. The least Zenimax could do is toss a couple hundred in the pot, how much did they make off of Fallout 3?
Well, Zenimax cannot simply throw in firm money. If at all, the bosses could give private money, not more than that.
Knowing f**kers from Zenimax they will try to sue Brian Fargo for mentioning he had something to do with Fallout.
Goral said:
Knowing f**kers from Zenimax they will try to sue Brian Fargo for mentioning he had something to do with Fallout.

They're not dumb enough to do something that would damage their reputation and fail at obtaining anything. I understand not liking the company, but they're certainly not this dumb nor this malicious.
Fargo made Hunted for Zenimax so they are friends, also Zenimax go everything that is releated with fallout from Interplay.

If Fargo will not mention even a word about fallout in game he is clean, they can't sue company because is making post apocaliptic game
WorstUsernameEver said:
They're not dumb enough to do something that would damage their reputation and fail at obtaining anything. I understand not liking the company, but they're certainly not this dumb nor this malicious.
Yeah, you mean like they weren't that malicious as to sue Notch for using "Scrolls" as their game title?
Goral said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
They're not dumb enough to do something that would damage their reputation and fail at obtaining anything. I understand not liking the company, but they're certainly not this dumb nor this malicious.
Yeah, you mean like they weren't that malicious as to sue Notch for using "Scrolls" as their game title?

They needed to. Like, the US law literally obligated them. This is a detail that gets overlooked, but it's not like they could *not* sue Mojang for that.
Can't wait to see the new video.

I had some worries, but they were gone the moment it got above 500.000 dollars in such a short time.
Yeah, I want the new video right now. I can't wait any longer. I want to know more about the game.
This is so awesome! I'll be honest, I watched that promo video for Kickstarter twice, because of the way it was set out and all.

I'm going to sleep once again. I can bet that by the time I get to my computer tomorrow, it will gain the 900 thousand.
Hope this shows publishers there is a definate market for old school. Maybe it will be the latest craze and two years from now we will all be complaining about the market being inundated with deep old school CRPGs while we pine for the days of good old FPS goneby. :wink: