Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Update #10, First concept art

I love it. Looks like the wasteland cover if it was viewed from ground level instead of above

.Pixote. said:
Start growing, for a weak whiskered dude such as myself, that's about 5 years work. :roll:

My beard is yet to start going :?
All I can grow so far is some pathetic stache.

@ Formerk

Brilliant. Laughed my ass off.

[nitpick]There are at least 8 Rangers on the new concept art. There are 5 on the Wasteland cover, without the photographer, that is.[/nitpick]
Amazing artwork. What I see here is my Wasteland party after the last mission and a job well done.
Right to left:

1. Angela Trash

2. Badass leader Snake Vargas

3. Trasher

4. Dr Mike Scott - only his hood is visible in a picture

5. Hell Razor - the spikes in his helmet represent the number of chopters he dismantled with his bare hands

6. Mad Dog Fargo

7. Metal Maniac

As the base Cochise is blown to pieces our tough desert rangers look into a bit brighter future for their Wasteland....for now.

EDIT: Typo
You're not seeing the opening in the "hood"?


As for what Cold Zer0 said, it seems about right to me. Though Mike Scott being there is questionable.

Or they could just be a bunch of Rangers unrelated to the first game. :wink:
Reconite said:
You're not seeing the opening in the "hood"?


That I don't, cause there is none.

Why would Andreé draw 6 characters, fully portrayed and draw one character who's only characteristic we see is a vague hood?

Sadly there are no other mountains or hills in the background as far as I can see so I have nothing to compare it with.

I just don't see how in the context of the picture that is supposed to be a hood of a 7th ranger.

And the "opening" is just shading effects, fire, shadow, ain't no opening, it's just the far side of the object which the light from the fire isn't covering.
Mr Fish consider that picture as a Rorschach's test. I see what I see. I see Dr Scott and you see a mountain. Don't ruin my fantasy :D
Fine fine, I don't see a hood but as a mountain it feels too rounded at the top and with no other mountains in the area the first thing that pops into my head is a vertical zeppelin. O_o

Zeppelin with an anti-gravity controll mechanism? Though why a zeppelin would require anti-gravity makes little sense.
It does look a bit New Vegas, but that’s a bit unfair as NV had heavy Wasteland influence. Hell, it had ranger armour that was specifically designed to look like Desert Ranger armour.

I think that the style is fine. I kinda understand those who were looking for a more ‘retro’ look to the art, but I think I would have been disappointed if it had.

While it might look a little New Vegas, there isn’t a lot there that says ‘Fallout’ to me. The modern equipment is an immediate point of difference.
Having said that, while it does scream Ranger, it doesn’t say ‘Wasteland’ to me either. But I’m not holding that against it – this piece is obviously to introduce the Desert Rangers to a crowd that doesn’t know them yet. Now we’ve met them, I’d expect the next view to give us a progressively wider view of the world they inhabit.
I never did manage to find a copy of the original wasteland.

But I know it by reputation, and would love to see this game released.