Wasteland 2 tidbits

I've had my share of Fallout worship. I've said goodbye a long time ago. I don't even visit this site for Fallout news anymore. It doesn't interest me anymore. Fallout 1/2/tactics-and I'm done. I played New Vegas, never finished it. About 160+ hours into it. At one point I lost the drive to continue. I'm very OCD about exploration and doing all side quests BEFORE main quest line. Anyhow. I suppose the biggest flaw with the game is that it has a main quest line. Fallout 1 and 2 had a main quest but it barely qualifies as anything significant. Its all about the choices/out comes in the end. I suppose this is why I didn't finish NV. Anyhow.... I welcome change to NMA because if you ask me, Fallout is dead. I couldn't count how many times I've replayed Fallout 1/2/Tactics. Oh and to twist someones nipple.... I used REALTIME on tactics so ha! Games combat system is broken anyway.

I've been loving this WL2 coverage. Thanks NMA, you guys rock!