Water - the scarciest commodity in the wastes?

Your thinking to perfectly grizzly...

Say they only shipped 2,000 L of water, and it lasted a year becuase the vault kept recycling it.

Say the vault has a water efficeincy of 98%
And, like someone else said each vault member uses 2 L a day, not 3...

so now we have


If the efficeincy was 99.5% perhaps that would last 365 days
Yeah, but remember, that THE WATER CHIP HAD GIVEN UP THE GHOST, so no recycling applies ;)
Well, you might be able to recycle... I think the Water Chip was meant for -creating- water... they could probably recycle it, and would most likely have to be efficient at such since creating water would probably be a slow process

Edit - I'm ganna watch the fallout 1 intro to figure it out right now

Edit 2 - Oh, my bad... its a "water purification system"

So... ummm, nevermind
Hmm, if memory serves, water goes for $1000/glass in the Modoc cafe... and that really sucks when you want to wash down those 27 brahmin balls you just wolfed down.
That was FO2 with modoc. The water was that expensive due to the drought (Wasn't the entire wasteland consumed by drought?) specific to modoc.