Ways to replay Fallout Tactics


First time out of the vault
Add if you have any more idea!

#1 just play it on Normal
#2 play once using Turn Based
#3 when bored play Hard
#4 do it solo
#5 play melee (better said unarmed)
#6 play Insane
#7 play only using the ghoul recruits as soon as they are available. Play the protagonist as a ghoul too! (there are 5 ghoul recruits in the game, so that makes a full party)
#8 play through with all the races as protagonist
#9 play with an enitre custom party
#10 play a party which has a member from every species! (there are way more than 6 species, including dog if have races mod, especialy if you take "tribal" as a separate race)
#11 use only (as soon as available) the Odd Recruits! eg.: 1 PipBoy 2 Mac 3 HR1205 4 Sharon 5 Riddick 6 Keith
#12 all your team should only use Small Guns
#13 play evil. Kill everyone whose death won't cause Game Over. Don't do, or fail optional objectives (whichever is worse). Do evil optional objectives (only one I know of, where you go recover the power armors). Do this on Insane.
+1: Use only the team you were given. On Insane. You're stuck with Stitch and Farsight. Period.
what i have tried:

- play insane + tough guy + solo + realtime only
- play by pip-boy insane + tough guy + solo + real time only (main char idled all the time)
- play insane + tough guy + solo + real time only by char with 8 CH