We found a way to beat the Russians.

Ratty said:
Isn't fluoridation the main reason why you westerners have such great teeth?
it was a big hype once, but now studies show that too much fluoridation causes cancer.

well, at least you die with a nice smile.
it was a big hype once, but now studies show that too much fluoridation causes cancer.

well, at least you die with a nice smile.

Beats dying with an ugly one.

On another note, weren't there (is there?) som addative that was (is?) responsible for the diminishing dwarven/midgett populations? Seriously
Ivy Mike said:
On another note, weren't there (is there?) som addative that was (is?) responsible for the diminishing dwarven/midgett populations? Seriously

So the US gov't is secretly plotting to eliminate all of the worlds midgets?
Silly posters-

The water was consumed by Yog-Sothoth. How many times do we have to tell you that the stars are right and all will be consumed by the fires of Cthugha?
Tempistfury said:
So the US gov't is secretly plotting to eliminate all of the worlds midgets?

Now you know why there are so few garden gnomes around.
Or perhaps this is all disinformation, making us THINK they are slowly dwindling away? A New World Order?

Sshh... Can't your hear them? Tap, tap, tap...

We have a lake that does that every 50 years in norway too. No biggie. What happens is that there is a huge resservoar of water under the lake, and a plug that goes in a hole between resservoar (i'm certain this is not the correct spelling) and lake. In dry seasons or if for some reason the underground water levels goes down there will be a large amount of preassure on the plug wich will sooner or later be washed away and all the water in the lake will be gone. Along with all fishes fishers and people that are doing something that feels like drinking american beer.
That is what happens to that damned norwegian lake every now and then.
Loxley said:
...and all the water in the lake will be gone. Along with all fishes fishers and people that are doing something that feels like drinking american beer.
That is what happens to that damned norwegian lake every now and then.
Interesting, where all that stuff will emerge... In Loch Ness?