welsh said:
The funny thing is that Gobbi is the only unique weapon that don't have greater advantages over a normal one.
Every unique weapon's class, like All American, Annabelle, Ranger Sequoia, Dinner Bell has tremendous advantages over the normal counterparts, except Gobbi.
Well, I'm sure you know that in the vanilla game it was obscenely overpowered. It dealt more damage and had an absurd 5x crit multiplier.
But now, I agree, the small bonuses it has aren't enough to make it really better than the normal sniper rifle.
Yes, the 1.2 patch corrected the obscenity that sniper rifle was, no argument on that. But Gobbi don't have a superior performance over the normal sniper rifle except the weigh, this bluff me. I mean, at least Gobbi could had, let's say, 3 more points in damage over a normal sniper rifle or better DPS, but no, it's almost the same weapon.
With All-American, Ranger Sequoia or Annabelle you can see a vast improvement over their counterparts.
Also, I have the latest patch and my sniper rifle with carbon parts still weighs 8.00 lbs (but says 3.00).
welsh said:
Wait a sec, so the totally modified hunting rifle beats out the sniper and the Gobi?
Do the math.
A sniper rifle fires 5 rounds, has 42 damage and is capable of doing 1.60 attack/sec
A fully modded rifle fires 10 rounds, has 45 damage and is capable of doing 0.80 attack/sec
You are getting almost the same results and output damage, the difference is that the sniper fire 5 rounds, reload and then fires another 5 rounds in the same time as a hunting rifle fires 10 rounds. The spread of both weapons are the same, 0.02 (sniper) and 0.03 (hunting rifle). Also hunting rifle needs 50 points in guns skill to be fully effective and the sniper 75, wich means that the hunting rifle can be used earlier in the game. But sniper rifle costs only 38 AP points and the hunting rifle a shitload of 60 (you need 10 AG + ultrajet/rocket for firing two shots in VATS with him). The critical chance of both are the same X1 and the critical damage almost paired, 42/45.
Finally, the sniper rifle can be silenced, the hunting rifle not.
The differences of pure damage are too small if you ask me, but this also means that you have two weapons good at sniping, but with different approaches.
What will make this difference
is your playstyle.
I'm not much a sneak type of player and don't have too much patience waiting for the perfect shot, so I prefer the hunting rifle. Line up and keep firing.
Also, this means you can have a sniper type of weapon without playing a sneak build.
I see a lot of people complaining about the weapons in NV - FO3 had more, bla, bla, bla, bla - but you can use them with A LOT more variety than FO3.
Take explosives for example, you can play a sneak undetectable type specialized in sneak attacks laying traps with grenades, dinamyte, mines or C4 similar of using a silenced sniper or have a fast foward "bring them on" build that uses the grenade machinegun/Annabelle (with HV missiles).
Shame that you can't make grenade bouquets or arming bear traps with mines in a corridor.