>So you're calling the BOS characters
>from Fallout 1 liars? If
>this is true, why do
>they all claim that they
>manufacture and distribute weapons and
>ammo? And what about people
>like the Gunrunners, who also
>manufacture and distribute weapons? And
>Smitty, who refills ammo?
I haven't played Fallout 1 in a long time and when I did I borrowed it from a friend. I do call the BOS liars because they said that they protected the info from before the war to chare it later when things cool down. And they don't have any factorys in any of their bases either.
>Of course. That explains why you
>can't get any decent weapons
>in the game. No, wait
>a second, that's not right.
>You CAN get good weapons
>- plenty of merchants have
>them. And if I recall
>correctly, in certain towns like
>New Reno EVERYONE was armed.
Ofcourse merchants have weapons, are you just playing dumb or what?! I was talking about the average citizen in FO2. The people living in New Reno have weapons because it's a dangerous place. But Steal from "A new reno townsperson" and they don't have weapons (maybe knives, but no firearms). The people in vault city or NCR don't have weapons. (Okey they have guards instead)
>>Uhh, if Europe had no guns
>>then they couldn't fight and
>>no-one would die, Smartass!
>Typically, people who can't fight back
That is true. But not always. You can prsotest for what you want.
>>Of course we "euroweenies" have
>>weapons. I have a friend who's
>>granddad has a SMG from
>>WWII in his wardrobe, and
>>my dad has two hunting
>And if you take them outside,
>I bet you'll be arrested.
>If you try to defend
>yourself against an intruder in
>your home, you'll be charged
>with a crime, right?
Yep, it's a shitty country is it not?
>>There is a joke
>>about a part of Sweden
>>that goes: "Drive straight ahead
>>until you get stabbed in
>>the back, then you're in
>Sounds like a nice place to
Sure, It's great place. Just watch out for dark alleys...
>>And the worlds strongest
>>man AND woman come from
>>Sweden, Magnus Samuelsson and his
>>wife(I don't remember her name).
>How is this relevant?
Sigh. Someone said that europeans are pussys and I say We aren't.
>>The reason USA haven't heard
>>anything from Europe it's probably
>>because all cross-atlantic communications have
>>been shut of by the
>>EMP from all those f***ing
>>You shouldn't be proud
>>that California has a lot
>>of weapons just think of
>>all the bad things they
>>have caused.
>Just think of all the bad
>things they'd stopped/prevented. Imagine if
>the rest of Europe shared
>the Swiss attitude toward weapons
>ownership around 1939.
>>The deathshootings at
>>the school( I don't remeber
>>where it happened)
>Yeah. Too bad the teachers weren't
I wouldn't wantt to see my math teacher with a gun. He can get RELY mad sometimes.
>>Korea, Vietnam
>>etc... What the fuck was
>>USA doing in Vietnam? "Protect
>>the world from the evil
>That's a good question. We ought
>only protect ourselves from the
Why would you like to protect yourself from something good?
>>I think amercan capitalism
>>is much worse than russian
>>or cuban or chinese communism.
>Care to elaborate?
Read previous posts.
To Xotor. Anarchy isn't lawlessnesor chaos. Anarchy means no goverment or written laws.You can still live in a peacefull society without laws but it would have to be relativly small. See the movie "Monty Python's search for the Holy Graal" where king Arthur discuss politics with Dennis, the Anarchist for info on how it could work. And about NATO didn't do anything of importance in Serbia: (No offence Miroslav) but i think that if USA, NATO or UN or any other world organsation should interfere at all it wpould be to send an assassin to kill Milosovic, and help after the war is over. I am against EU and the euro so don't blame me. I think that Sweden hould be controlled by swedes not some fat, capitalstic types in Belgium. I can't help it I just am very anti-capitalstic so don't complain about it or try to change me. When grow up I'm gonna get realy rich (not by exploiting poor people or countries) and by myself a small island somewhere (maybe britain), drive everyone of it and live like a hermit there for the rest of my life and program computer games with only a computer and 13 vicious dogs all named Dogmeat as company!
Peter "live free" Wrede
>from Fallout 1 liars? If
>this is true, why do
>they all claim that they
>manufacture and distribute weapons and
>ammo? And what about people
>like the Gunrunners, who also
>manufacture and distribute weapons? And
>Smitty, who refills ammo?
I haven't played Fallout 1 in a long time and when I did I borrowed it from a friend. I do call the BOS liars because they said that they protected the info from before the war to chare it later when things cool down. And they don't have any factorys in any of their bases either.
>Of course. That explains why you
>can't get any decent weapons
>in the game. No, wait
>a second, that's not right.
>You CAN get good weapons
>- plenty of merchants have
>them. And if I recall
>correctly, in certain towns like
>New Reno EVERYONE was armed.
Ofcourse merchants have weapons, are you just playing dumb or what?! I was talking about the average citizen in FO2. The people living in New Reno have weapons because it's a dangerous place. But Steal from "A new reno townsperson" and they don't have weapons (maybe knives, but no firearms). The people in vault city or NCR don't have weapons. (Okey they have guards instead)
>>Uhh, if Europe had no guns
>>then they couldn't fight and
>>no-one would die, Smartass!
>Typically, people who can't fight back
That is true. But not always. You can prsotest for what you want.
>>Of course we "euroweenies" have
>>weapons. I have a friend who's
>>granddad has a SMG from
>>WWII in his wardrobe, and
>>my dad has two hunting
>And if you take them outside,
>I bet you'll be arrested.
>If you try to defend
>yourself against an intruder in
>your home, you'll be charged
>with a crime, right?
Yep, it's a shitty country is it not?
>>There is a joke
>>about a part of Sweden
>>that goes: "Drive straight ahead
>>until you get stabbed in
>>the back, then you're in
>Sounds like a nice place to
Sure, It's great place. Just watch out for dark alleys...

>>And the worlds strongest
>>man AND woman come from
>>Sweden, Magnus Samuelsson and his
>>wife(I don't remember her name).
>How is this relevant?
Sigh. Someone said that europeans are pussys and I say We aren't.
>>The reason USA haven't heard
>>anything from Europe it's probably
>>because all cross-atlantic communications have
>>been shut of by the
>>EMP from all those f***ing
>>You shouldn't be proud
>>that California has a lot
>>of weapons just think of
>>all the bad things they
>>have caused.
>Just think of all the bad
>things they'd stopped/prevented. Imagine if
>the rest of Europe shared
>the Swiss attitude toward weapons
>ownership around 1939.
>>The deathshootings at
>>the school( I don't remeber
>>where it happened)
>Yeah. Too bad the teachers weren't
I wouldn't wantt to see my math teacher with a gun. He can get RELY mad sometimes.

>>Korea, Vietnam
>>etc... What the fuck was
>>USA doing in Vietnam? "Protect
>>the world from the evil
>That's a good question. We ought
>only protect ourselves from the
Why would you like to protect yourself from something good?
>>I think amercan capitalism
>>is much worse than russian
>>or cuban or chinese communism.
>Care to elaborate?
Read previous posts.
To Xotor. Anarchy isn't lawlessnesor chaos. Anarchy means no goverment or written laws.You can still live in a peacefull society without laws but it would have to be relativly small. See the movie "Monty Python's search for the Holy Graal" where king Arthur discuss politics with Dennis, the Anarchist for info on how it could work. And about NATO didn't do anything of importance in Serbia: (No offence Miroslav) but i think that if USA, NATO or UN or any other world organsation should interfere at all it wpould be to send an assassin to kill Milosovic, and help after the war is over. I am against EU and the euro so don't blame me. I think that Sweden hould be controlled by swedes not some fat, capitalstic types in Belgium. I can't help it I just am very anti-capitalstic so don't complain about it or try to change me. When grow up I'm gonna get realy rich (not by exploiting poor people or countries) and by myself a small island somewhere (maybe britain), drive everyone of it and live like a hermit there for the rest of my life and program computer games with only a computer and 13 vicious dogs all named Dogmeat as company!
Peter "live free" Wrede