

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
The G11 used a caseless ejection system didn't it? I don't know if they had thought of that in the 50's beyond collecting spent cases in a bag on the deck's of ship's and on the big older type bomber's such as the Lancaster and the B29.

One thing I would like someone to do is alter the picture of the Rockwell Bazooka to look more like the WW2 type because to my eye's it look more like a LAW or a AT4


WW2 Bazooka.




AT4.(sorry for the line drawing it was the best picture I could find)
Muff said:
The G11 used a caseless ejection system didn't it? I don't know if they had thought of that in the 50's beyond collecting spent cases in a bag on the deck's of ship's and on the big older type bomber's such as the Lancaster and the B29.
as early as man invented cartridges, he has been hoping to remove the eject system because it is annoying and a restricting factor. a case in point are the jet ammo trials in those days.

Muff said:
One thing I would like someone to do is alter the picture of the Rockwell Bazooka to look more like the WW2 type because to my eye's it look more like a LAW or a AT4.
that never bothered me. the Rockwell Bazooka doesnt really look like a LAW or AT4, it has some differences.

you've got to remember that in those days they were hoping for rocketlaunchers with nukes. ;)

smallest that they got was a nuclear shell from an artillery piece and a minimissile from a sort of mortar setup though.
Oh man I totally forgot about the Nuke Bazooka, lol. Atomic Annie was the artillery piece you where referring to SuAside.

And the rocket launcher weapons you where referring to was the 13mm gyrojet. (This is the only one I have the name off)

Found this cross section of the ammo the gyrojet used, I wonder why such weapon's weren't a success in the first place?
SuAside said:
Muff said:
I wonder why such weapon's weren't a success in the first place?
ineffective, inaccurate, low range, poor reliability, low mag capacity,...

Thank you for clearing that up for me I looked around and couldn't find any info on the subject. Do you think that with modern technology that could be overcome?

In fallout If I had to use a close combat weapon I would use either the Ripper or the Combat knife.
i think it is more likely that we'd move to a re-engineered G11 (4.7 mm caseless)-like ammo than to gyrojet-like rockets.

even now, so many years later, the G11 is still ahead of its time. if only someone would restart the project and finetune it...
IIRC most of problems with G11 were finally solved...
Too bad no one wanted to buy it...

I think that the main problem with innovative weapons like EM-2, G11, Steyr ACR, etc. is that armies prefer to buy standard rifles.
SuAside said:
it's obvious you have no clue whatsoever on how a G11 worked, so don't try to blabber your way out, ok?
And while we're on the subject of personal attack ad-hominems, how about how you clearly know nothing on the 5.7 round just because some folks told you T3H TRUTH!1 about it rather than cold, hard, numbers.

In case you can't tell (since you couldn't last time), I'm being fairly facetious.

Sorrow said:
2. No, it's not. It's a fictional Colt Rangemaster rifle.
Whoops! Misread it, I guess.

Sorrow said:
RL manufacturers != RL weapons.
Yeah, obviously. I was trying to provide a link between the Fallout world and the real world by naming those manufacturers.

Back to the topic, the problem with buying a weapon like the G11 is the propriatery cartridge. The M16/M4 (and the other clones) and AK-47 (and it's variants that use the 7.62 round) are popular and used widely because of the standardized round that's fairly easily available. If you use a 4.7 or anything that's not NATO standard, availability of ammunition becomes a problem, as you are completely dependant on the manufacturer.
i think you're a little misguided there. weapons can look modern, that's not the problem.

besides, have you seen a combat knife from WW2 (not a bayonet or dagger)? the difference really aint that big...
Oh I don't know. The combat shotgun is of automatic type. It really nudges to that of modern times. It can burst fire, it's all black shiny and solid looking... :P Well I unno. I think some guns in fallout are pointed as modern ones. However most look like the ones from 50's comics.

I think that the combat knives from the 50's were a bit different tho. The Ka-Bar and M3(don't know if that's a bayonet?) were different in design and most had leather made grip on the handle. The FO's Combat knife on the other hand is clearly of the 80's design.. The one that Jimmy Lile made for Rambo I think.
Dude the best combat knife (arguably) was the Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife issued to SOE, SAS (it actuality features on the cap badge), Royal marine commando's and very few other people.

Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife.


SAS cap badge.

I think the Kbar was more of a multi-purpose knife but was great for fighting with I own two of them and I kept one on my webbing gear along with a Fairbairn-Sykes (obtained from a retired SAS trooper).
I love the Kbar as a weapon when I have been on exercise it is great as a survival tool and is nearly indestructible.

EvgeniBuzov said:
Oh I don't know. The combat shotgun is of automatic type. It really nudges to that of modern times. It can burst fire, it's all black shiny and solid looking... :P
It doesn't look like a modern weapon.
It looks like a weapon from 50's with Sten-like barrel and technical improvements from those times like bullpup desing and polymer parts.

EvgeniBuzov said:
I think some guns in fallout are pointed as modern ones.
Some of the guns are heavily stylised and unique to Fallout, like 10mm SMG, Hunting Rifle and AK-112 and some are taken from movies and comics, like 10mm Pistol, .223 Pistol, Shotgun and (sadly) Desert Eagle.

EvgeniBuzov said:
However most look like the ones from 50's comics.
There are 50's comics with Fallout-like guns? Can you name a few?

Combat Knife is taken from Rambo movies.
debating the best combat knife is like debating who is the prettiest girl in the world.

with firearms you can simply put certain requirements and measure them, but with a combat knife? utility and characteristics is but a small part. and there isn't a single knife that fits all different fighting styles nor all combat roles.
Your dead on there dude, that's why I put arguably in my post. I prefer the Fairbairn-Sykes when i was doing my CQB and hand to hand training it just fit's me better.
The gyrojet wasn't a success because it's limited to longer ranges. "Normal" pistols and rifles provide a single, high energy impulse to the projectile. Which means that it will travel at max velocity from the muzzle and then lose energy at longer range. Usually that doesn't matter because the bullets trajectory usually intercepts the ground before it's stopped by wind resistance. Gyrojets, on the other hand, employ a constant impulse provided by the rocket engine inside the projectile which increases the projectile's velocity over time. At longer ranges, the gyrojet had more kinetic energy than a regular projectile of the same caliber. Basically, you couldn't use the gun on short ranges (where the vast majority of handgun engagements take place) because the projectile didn't have enough speed to be feasible. Possible applications include long range engagements. You would need to work out if the increased kinetic energy has an application in the field. To take out someone you want the projectile to apply all that kinetic energy instead of letting the projectile run through. If you used frangible ammunition you would have a really wicked anti-personnel weapon.
Metalstorm is interesting, yet there are a number of questions I haven't seen answered. Their high ROF system capable of a cyclic ROF over 1million rounds a minute (cyclic ROF is always misleading though, it assumes a endless magazine, constant autofire, and no reloading) is a 36 barreled turret gun where the bullets stack behind eachother in the barrel and fire (they're electronically primed) milliseconds behind eachother which actually aids ballistics as each bullet compresses the gasses propelling on the bullet ahead of it. Many of their systems use the same or similar setups. However I don't see how such a system can autoload, it seems the barrels would have to be removed, repacked, and replaced. Frankly I couldn't see myself or any LE agency or military moving to such a system away from magazine fed weapons. I personally consider Metalstorm's products to be novelties.
an extra problem would be that the first bullet of a barrel has way lower accuracy than the last one. (barrel length traveled & all)

either way, i think a metalstorm concept could be worked on for helicopters and planes, but on the ground? i don't really see the use.
SuAside said:
i think a metalstorm concept could be worked on for helicopters and planes, but on the ground? i don't really see the use.

Agreed, there is always going to be the problem of reloading the unit inside the combat zone, if you remove it's basic principle of a "caseless" system and only utilise it's massive rate of fire and try to contain the barrel/projectiles in a replaceable pod.............. hey wait isn't that a clip? :D you still have the downtime of reloading the unit.

love their turret unit though, reminds me of a certain game

Dude the best combat knife (arguably) was the Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife issued to SOE, SAS (it actuality features on the cap badge), Royal marine commando's and very few other people.

Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife.
Indeed. That's why it's the only knife I ever bought. Suaside is right about the knives choices. There is no 'Best' knife, but the FS is defently in the top 10 league.

It doesn't look like a modern weapon.
It looks like a weapon from 50's with Sten-like barrel and technical improvements from those times like bullpup desing and polymer parts.
I won't argue there. But I always thought that a burst firin' shotgun is something taken from our times. I guess it's just fiction from the game makers.

There are 50's comics with Fallout-like guns? Can you name a few?
Nope, I just said that to get my way out :P
There's one comic(forgot what it's called) with a 10mm colt pistol though. The one from FO.
Another argument in favor of not using overly expensive and very high tech weaponry such as "metalstorm" is when one is considering fallen soldiers and enemies stealing the weapon. Imagine metal storm armed talibans.
They might have solved this issue with their latest fingerprint id mechanism but ultimatly this is another disadvantage, the gun can only be used by it's original operator.

I am in favor of metal storm, however, just for grenade launchers. The metal storm underslung grenade launchers fire 3 electronically linked granades. That could provide a good alternative for spec ops, as the coverage soars. It would have it's uses.