Weight mod


First time out of the vault
I've always been a pack rat, and never liked having to leave good loot behind, i checked all the files i could in the limited ways that i know of, can anyone tell me where to go or provide the modified file for increasing the carry weight?? the sooner the better as i hate leaving this stuff behind and dont really wanna continue like this.

Anyone got news on this? Is there maybe some easy entry to change somewhere so that doesn't bother one anymore?
There's much too much crap around the world and the inventory is full after looting 3-4 NPCs to return to some town over and over again and running through the game with "tgm" enabled isn't really a choice either...
Hah, you could use the console to increase your strength, I don't know the commands myself but I know variants of the Oblivion commands work.

Or you could just learn to leave some crap. Trust me, saves a lot of time in the long run.
TheFlyingBuddha said:
Hah, you could use the console to increase your strength, I don't know the commands myself but I know variants of the Oblivion commands work.

Or you could just learn to leave some crap. Trust me, saves a lot of time in the long run.

Even with STR10 you can't carry more than 250 weight... if you pick up a few armors or weapons and/or run around with different weapons yourself it's full rather fast and you start moving like a snail... cause I don't like being bothered with micro-managing items and still being able to pick up whatever I like a way to do so without "godmode", which seems to do exactly that would be great xD
Presumably you could use the console window to change it.

Console window is opened using the back quote key (`). Type the command then enter and then close the console with the back quote key.

player.setav carryweight 750

I didn't try this beyond a simple test of whether carryweight existed and could be retrieved and set. The game may decide to reset it periodically or something.
setav doesn't save the carryweight variable. You have to use modav:

player.modav carryweight #

whatever number you put is added onto your current weight. So if you have a 250 limit and you put:

player.modav carryweight 250

your carryweight will then be 500.
I've made a carry weight mod here, but it's more of a tweak to make it more str based than a pack-rat cheat. At 10 str you'll max out at 350 carry weight, so if you want to pick up the whole world then just use the console.
Nice technique. Can you explain how to do install this?

Also, do you have any idea if you can do edits to the .xml files using a similar technique or how to repack files into .bsa;

I successfully implemented some changes to unpacked files (hudtemplates.xml) but it destabilized the game and caused severe crashing issues.

Thanks for the mod, sure many people'll find it useful.
Timeslip said:
I've made a carry weight mod here, but it's more of a tweak to make it more str based than a pack-rat cheat. At 10 str you'll max out at 350 carry weight, so if you want to pick up the whole world then just use the console.
Which utility did you use for those edits? Or is it still in development?

Nice technique. Can you explain how to do install this?
1) Unzip to your Fallout\Data directory
2) Start the Fallout Launcer (press the Fallout icon in the start menu)
3) Click the 'Data Files' button
4) Check the box next to TweakedCarryWeight.esp and press ok.
5) Start the game

According to the readme comming with the mod (always read the readme), the launcher is a bit bugged, and you may have to activate the mod by hand by editing plugins.txt by hand. I'm not exactly sure how that is done, though.
Zumbs said:
[snip] and you may have to activate the mod by hand by editing plugins.txt by hand. I'm not exactly sure how that is done, though.

I think this will work:
1) Find plugins.txt. It is placed in C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Local Settings\Application Data\Fallout3\Plugins.txt (please note that the directories Local Settings and Application Data are hidden).
2) Add the name of the mod file to the bottom of the list

Timeslip said:
Zumbs said:
Which utility did you use for those edits? Or is it still in development?
TESsnip. *points at the fallout 3 file formats thread*
Looking forward to taking it for a spin :clap:
Thanks for the replys and nice to know about the console command, i know i'll be using that alot!

srry for coming back so late after putting this up but i been busy last little while. :)
Randian Hero said:
Hitting the ~ key and typing "player.modav carryweight 10000" seemed to do the trick for me.

lol makes me think of playing any of the gothic games. if you see something in that game you pick it up, at the very least everything is worth a little money right?