Fallout 1 mod Weird mouse movement bug


First time out of the vault
I only have FO1 and Fixt installed, Ive tried turning Alternate mouse setting to 1 and 0 and the mouse is still sluggish even with high sensitivity. Like I move fast fine but lets say i need to press a button or a line in the skills to level up, it just stops moving before where i want, its annoying and it makes game less accurate, please fix this/help me.
Get one of these...

Drop mouse to trash :)
Get one of these...


How is any of this helpful to my issue?? if you have nothing productive to add and help the OP solve the issue, why even post and troll? This is a legitimate question, and I would like some help figuring out how to make mouse movement smoother and not stop when I try to click on one of the ingame buttons(items)
From your description I'd guess the mouse acceleration might be the cause. Do you install any driver/utility for your mouse (e.g. Logitech Options)?