We'll meet again


White heterosexual male
Hello guys!

I've been away for quite some time now, for a variety of reasons.

[1] I was in hospital for a couple of weeks because I was suffering from the worst depression I've ever had (and I've had quite a few in my life, trust me). The depression was a result of the lame job I had at the Federal Department of Justice where I worked as a journalist. Only problem was: there was no work for me or my French colleague (communication isn't exactly a priority for the Justice Department in Belgium). Result: months of boredom, stress and agony resulting in the both of us quitting our jobs. In an other, older thread I already wrote about the misery that accompanied that process. I guess I just kind of stored all of these problems in a backroom of my brain where it grew and grew and grew, eating away at my mental health and self-esteem.

[2] My mom had several epileptic fits during December which caused me a lot of grief. She has epilepsy, but hadn't had any fits for the last 5 years. The fact that they reappeared is my dad's fault. He's retired now, following her every move and constantly putting her under a lot of pressure and stress. See: my dad suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder and is unwilling to go into therapy, making everyone's life a living hell. My sister's daughters aren't welcome, because he can't stand them being curious, touching cupboards and stuff (which is a normal thing for little children to do). He's basically alienating his children and grandchildren from him and his wife, who has become his lapdog.

[3] When I came home from hospital, my flat was half empty and my girlfriend had left. For good. Her mom and her other daughter called me the next day to tell me they're sorry that her daughter (my gf) did this to me and that I'm always welcome to pay them a visit. Why did she leave? I don't really know. There wasn't even a letter explaining her decision, but her mom told me that her daughter is unable to cope and care for sick or depressed people. This, of course, threw me back into the hole I was and am still trying to crawl out.

I'm seeing a shrink now (on a weekly basis) who has put me on a 'diet' of 4mg Alprazolam, 80 mg Inderal and 20mg Paroxetine (also known as Xerox, I think) per day. Unnecessary to say that this cocktail of anti-depressants and stress-relievers has turned me into a mental zombie. But I need it for the moment, 'cause otherwise I'm constantly weeping and grieving and not eating. The stress and medication has also resulted in some form of eczema on my hands making it practically impossible for me to draw or write with a pen/biro.

I have a whole lot of things to do and it'll take some time for me to do them, so don't expect to see me around very often. Typing this post, for instance, feels like running around the block a couple of times and is very tiring for me. So no: I can't be bothered with the cartoons I made for this site for a while, and I doubt I will be doing more of them in the near or even far future. I'm truly sorry for that, 'cause I enjoyed making them, but other things (like recovering) are much more important now.

The physical symptoms I had and talked about in a older post somewhere (losing weight, insomnia, diarrhea) weren't caused by some weird physical disease I was suffering from, but were all symptoms of this gigantic depression that I wasn't really aware of until it was too late.

That's all I have to say, really. I'm not dead yet and I'm not planning to do so anytime soon. And we'll meet again when I think and feel the time is right. Don't forget good ol' wishy-washy alec, but don't say prayers for me either, 'cause you know I hate your fucking omnipotent bastard gods.

-- alec, leaving the building
This might not mean alot coming from an NMA-noob but.. I wish you all the best for your future, and hopefully you'll eventually return.
Sorry to hear that Alec. Depressions suck so hope you get better soon. You know we're here waiting for you when the time comes.

Have a safe journey
I wish (not pray) you luck, alec. I've always enjoyed your work while lurking here at NMA.
I hope things improve for you. As an OCD sufferer myself I can sympathise with your father, I know what it's like to have family messing shit up that I vehemetly need to be the way I have placed it. I don't know how stubborn your father is, but I too was very against seeing a therapist and it was only through the persistance of my friends and family that I finally went. So even though it may sound counter-intuitive, pressuring your father to see a therapist may be a good idea.
alec said:
There wasn't even a letter explaining her decision, but her mom told me that her daughter is unable to cope and care for sick or depressed people.

Dude, your ex gf is a bitch. Either she is hot, blond haired with silicone boobs or she does not deserve you. :wink:

monsharen said:
Sorry to hear that Alec. Depressions suck so hope you get better soon.

Well, when i was on one a year ago. I did weed, cokane, amphetamine mixed with vodka and parties. Then i went for a month to a hospital. Drugs are bad, seriously.
DDD said:
we were actually really worried about you.


Alec, I hope you'll be able to drop in once in a while, and come back once things are done.

After lurking here for a bit i read a lot of your posts in the order and found them hilarious, you seem an awesome guy and i am truly sorry
you are having such a bad time, hope everything sorts itself out soon dude.
Well damn,
Who's gonna keep me posted on the lastest hottest women if you're not posting all the good pictures alec? I'll kiss a lovely ladies foot in your honor brudda.

Hope things get better.
Keep in touch, hear me? And after you stop the horse sleeping dosages return to the comic, humour and creativity make wonders.

Awesome avatar
All the best, duder. You'll get over this, I'm sure.
goodluck fighting this thing, Alec... I really hope we'll be seeing you back soon, healthy & well.
Sorry to hear that Alec, we are going to miss you for the time being. If you still lurk around here, maybe you can take this information with you. Maybe this can help you and your father.

OCD is more than a "psychological" problem, because it can have biological causes. Let me paraphrase from a book I am reading now.

On the face of it, OCD is a emotional and cognitive problem brought about by anxiety, repetitive worry and rumination. But if you take a brain scan of the bahavior, you'll see that there is a sort of "locking" of the neural circuits from the basal ganglia up through the anterior cingulate gyrus and the orbitofrongtal cortex, a part of the frontal cortex that lies just above the nose. The anterior cingulate tells the orbitofrontal cortex what it should pay attention to, while the orbitorfrontal cortex itself identitifies what seems to be an error in behavior. It says " Error, error, this action is false." When the signals about attention and error conflict, motor programs get caught up in the turmoil. A panic message results, telling the brain to activate to get out of danger or to correct the problem by taking an action such as returning to the house for the third time to turn off the stove that is already off.

So basically, his or her brain is looking for an error that isn't there. He or she explodes with worry and gets caught in a never ending do-loop of concern and rumination. Do/did I make the right move, etc? All of these concerns have roots in the motor system of the frontal cortex, the anterior cingulate, and the basal ganglia.

And this might interest you somewhat. It is possible to "catch" OCD after a flu, or bacteria infection. They have discovered that children with no previous history in psychiatric or neural problems suddenly have OCD over night after the infection. And it can't be treated with the usual OCD therapy or drugs. In one case, even after 2 months of treatment, one boy's forearm and hands were chapped and red from repeated washing, and his extreme worry about picking up germs prevented him from fully open his mouth. This kinda of case stunned practicing psychiatrists who are used to the Freudian model that OCD somehow stemmed from a disturbance in toilet training.

MRI scans revealed that in these children the caudate nucleus, the area implicated in OCD, had swollen to as much as 24% larger than normal. What's more, the degree of swelling directly conrrelated with the severity of the OCD symptoms. It was later surmised that the antibodies created to attack the bacteria were attacking the caudate neurons of the children's brains. They tried several different ways to treat the children, including immuno-suppressant medications and plasma exchanges where they take away the antibodies in the plasma before restoring it back to the body. After 6 plasma transfusion in the above mentioned case, the patient's OCD symptoms and his tics/motor irregularities left at the same time.

It's quite scary, when I thought about it after reading that. Because it basically threw a lot of what I learned in school out the window. This kind of research probably scares a lot of psychiatrists as well, because they "might" be misdiagnosing their patients. What was once thought as a difficult "mental" problem that requires years of therapy to treat can now be cured using some simple method within established practice without resorting to new drugs.

I'll probably need to put away quite a few books myself, since this type of research just debunked a lot of theories/ideas I had/read. If pure neurological/biological research can debunked years of established understanding about problems we once thought were purely mental, then maybe it won't be long before we understand what consciousness is. (lol, ok, that's probably too far)

Anyway, I hope that helps, Alec. In my own experience, it's far easier to convince someone that he/she has a biological problem instead of a mental one. Maybe your father can accept that.

Emotions are all about movement. Working out, walking around town, or just smiling like an idiot can help the brain to cope with depression. Movement itself is linked with the thinking process. Therefore, if one wants to change one's thinking, one needs to change one's movement.

Good luck.