Well my handsoms...


Still Mildly Glowing
The day is (nearly) upon us.

28th of the 10th 2008 - Fallout 3 goes live in the USA.

Its out on the 31st where I live but I dont mind.

I just want to raise a nice cold beer high in the air and give F3 a toast. I invite you all (if you are of drinking age in your respective country / state) to have a drink with me in celebration.

Wether you are hating the look of F3 so far (in which case you might need a drink), wether you are reserved or wether you are looking foward to it doesnt really matter at this point. I think its been a damn long wait and I'm glad its finally over.

For many long years I was of the firm beliefe that Fallout 3 would never happen, much like Homeworld 3. Finally the day is here when somone has made and released it.

Vive la Fallout. :clap:
Hell ya, lets drink till we forget that VB is down the tubes. :crazy: Lets get hammered.

Oh cool one hundredth post, lets drink to that too!