weres the BANG-sound???


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
why the hell did they dump the BAM sound for the 14 mm and 223. pistol on fallout2????.....i liked that sound
Kahgan said:
why the hell did they dump the BAM sound for the 14 mm and 223. pistol on fallout2????.....i liked that sound

Hmm.. do you mean that they removed some sounds after fallout 1?
Probably because it was extremely loud compared to the rest of the sounds in the game. I kind of liked it but it could be extremely annoying when everything else is a few decibels lower, especially when you're playing at night.

bam, bam, bam.
-Honey, what the hell is going on out there? I'm trying to sleep!
It always made me feel better when that happens too. Raiders fire 10mm bang. I fire back BANG!!!. Big ego boost.
oh, i know the feeling....

oh first time i tried the 14mm, oh tralala BAM what the hell, i almost jumped out of the chair......ooh
Although I have terrible hearing, that sound really hurt mu ears at that volume (although my annoyance was partially counter-acted by the death of the target).
I hated the bang sound.. (because I loved to play late at night and that sound ussually ment I woke up my mom...)
Roshambo said:
We likes the bang. The bang is character. Wear headphones. :D
And destroy my hearing?
Sorry but as a musician I value my hearing way to much :P
(so thats why I never used 14mm. And it sucked anyway :P)
Then play with the sound turned off.

btw if you are the same maze mouse as the guy with the cans in his mouth pictures? You have bigger worries than waking up your mom. :P
Ugly John said:
Then play with the sound turned off.

btw if you are the same maze mouse as the guy with the cans in his mouth pictures? You have bigger worries than waking up your mom. :P
Cans in my mouth????
I know about a pic of me with a glass (somewhere)

And it doesn't worry me I did that... it worries me I got bored enough to do it...
MazeMouse said:
And destroy my hearing?
Sorry but as a musician I value my hearing way to much :P
(so thats why I never used 14mm. And it sucked anyway :P)

u know u dont need to have the sound at full volume, if u have to, then your hearing is already destroyed <=logic :ok: