what are the unmentioned towns and cities on the fallout 1 map?


Amateur Filmmaker
sorry for the low quality, but my screenshots arent the best.
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the third one interests me most. it's huge, even bigger than bakersfield and yet it goes unused. any ideas?
Those might only be evidence of pre-war populations. There would be large multi-square mile regions of uninhabited ruins found all over the continent.
Those might only be evidence of pre-war populations. There would be large multi-square mile regions of uninhabited ruins found all over the continent.
i heard a theory about the 3rd city, that it was vegas. that coudnt be, could it? if it is, that would mean v13, v15, and shady are cut off from the rest of california by the divide.
The third one is indeed Las Vegas if you line up the Fallout 1 world map with the satellite images used as a base when composing the map. I sleuthed out the answer a while ago, posted it on /r/falloutlore, and got told that it can't be the case because the game does not explicitly call it Vegas. Redditors, am I right?
The third one is indeed Las Vegas if you line up the Fallout 1 world map with the satellite images used as a base when composing the map. I sleuthed out the answer a while ago, posted it on /r/falloutlore, and got told that it can't be the case because the game does not explicitly call it Vegas. Redditors, am I right?
i think you're right, but wouldn't that cut of shady from the rest of the ncr? i mean, divide to the south, mountains to the west, the death valleyto the east, and jackshit to the north for miles.
It may be Vegas, if you line it up with a real map of California-Arizona they're located in a similar area. The FO1 manual's hints and tips mentions this: 'Explore the world - the Fallout world is southern California, so go to where there is a city and look for it on the world map.' It might be intentional.
The only reason I would think it isn’t Vegas is because Tycho mentions Vegas and doesn’t describe it as an abandoned ruin. Unless Vegas had become abandoned since his father’s days. (And yes, I know it’s all just a reference to Wasteland)
Tycho's time is nearly a hundred years before FNV time. So it's quite possible Vegas is in ruins (or not) according to Tycho's memory.
i think you're right, but wouldn't that cut of shady from the rest of the ncr? i mean, divide to the south, mountains to the west, the death valleyto the east, and jackshit to the north for miles.
Yes, but Shady Sands was retconned to be further west with the advent of Fallout 2. The two maps don't line up.