What are your favorite lets play youtubers/streamers?

https://www.youtube.com/@BlackPantsLegion Tex of the Black Pants Legion. He's swapped to doing more long-form edited stuff but there's a mighty good catalogue of longplays. A lot of Space Station 13.

https://www.youtube.com/@bigMooney06 Bigmooney06, does a lot of Hitman content but has some other stuff too.

https://www.youtube.com/@Northernlion Northernlion, has a lot of series and a big backlog. Used to do a lot of The Binding of Isaac but has sorta retired it after... something like a decade. Good banter. Lots of stuff is now Twitch vods but it's not super constantly thanking chat which is fine.

https://www.youtube.com/@crendor I mostly just watch his Blood Bowl stuff. Runs a seasonal tournament thing. I enjoy it much more than IRL American Football at least.

https://www.youtube.com/@tabletoptactics Not video games. They do Warhammer battle reports, but fuck it I want to include it.
I dont watch fucking youtube or streamers because of the pandemic, i just eat more of my wifes pussy.

the only 'gamer' channels i'll OCCASIONALLY watch(if they do a game I'm interested in) are strat-edgy and mandaloregaming.

I just noticed this was lets play, who the fuck has time to watch hours and hours long streams? wtf lol

many a true nerd is fucking cringe