What are your favorite types of game runs?

Mutant Screg

Totally not a mutant
I'm talking iron man, speed run, etc. Just beat Fallout 1 for the first time, and before replaying Fallout 2 I want to replay the original once more. But I want to do something different, to make the run memorable. So, any ideas?
Try jinxed run with low luck and jinxed trait. (or the opposite, high luck) Makes the game look like a comedy starring Pier Rishar.
Sounds good. Any other ideas you wish to add? Really want to do something radically different, since I went with my usual small guns, speech, and science build. Also, and I'll probably be kicking myself later for this, stuff that'll make the game a bit more challenging beyond changing the combat difficulty setting.
Low int high strength brute type who only uses melee? You'll get the fun low int speech options like that, they're always worth a playthrough :)
My mains runs are Intelligence/Speech runs, since that's basically all you need to win Fallout. 10 Intelligence and 100 Speech. Recently I've been doing a Sniper playthrough which involves heavy Perception(8/9/10) and a high Intelligence mixed with a high Agility. It's very fun in Vegas.
I prefer intelligence/speech run as well, but I also enjoyed unarmed based run, especially by using groin attacks and the bloody mess perk.
In case any of you care, I ditched the low-int run (wasn't very fun not being able to talk to anyone) and decided on a monk playthrough. Which in this case means wearing no armor and using only fists. Pretty easy so far, made it to the Hub with very little trouble.
Try to go for a stealth sniper. (Small guns, sneak, perception, agility) the trick is to only operate at night and if you know where to go you can get a stealth boy and sniper rifle really early.

If done right you can beat the game at level 10. Good luck!
I like to go for idealistic doctor who is very speech and medicine oriented, even though the games rarely have any good doctor quests
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Fallout 2 the cow in Modoc with the broken leg, best doctor quest ever.
I like to go for idealistic doctor who is very speech and medicine oriented, even though the games rarely have any good doctor quests
Man, wish F:Nevada was translated so you can see for yourself but anyway: Nevada has lots of Doctor-oriented quests and the skill is more useful due to resources being scarce up to first half of the game.
I always found it wise to dump a good amount of points into first aid and doctor, mostly to patch up my group so I didn't have to waste stimpacks on them all the time.