If you never consider FO:T as a real RPG than the game is fine. I always tell my friends that it's Fallout meets Commandos. But I think the game is cool.
Anyway, I really like sneaking in a room, in prone position and the sentry mode to defensive, with my squad (me and Ice, who needs anybody else

), then crouch behind a wall so I can see all the enemys in the room. But since I'm sneaking, they can't see me. Then I equip a shotgun or a gun with burst... just a gun that does nice damage, and then I put the sentry mode to aggressive. That's just so awesome. And all the enemys that go prone behind a wall I stab with my Razor Blade Glove thingy.
Also in the first level, the little shoot-out halfway throughout the game and at the end. It's just really cool.
Then there's all the weapons. I played with a modified character, and I had a carry-weight of... near unlimited. At the end of the game I had every gun (small gun, big gun, energy gun) in the game. Plus tons of ammo to kill everybody in the game maybe three times.
And then there's the typical Fallout humor. Especially in the manual:
1% (what the heck, fire away!).
This is the character screen. It displays, well, characters...
The last line of every statistic goes something like: "X is offcourse the most important statistic."
Bonsai: Through careful nurturing you have a small fruit tree growing out of your head. This applies only to ghouls.
Harmless: Your innocent demeanor makes stealing from people a little easier. Deathclaws cannot be harmless.
Tunnel rat: You can crawl like a baby! (a very FAST baby!).
Deathclaws: Deathclaws gain a perk every four levels, have more hit points than usual, do bonus damage, have strong resistance to most types of damage and take less damage from attacks. The bad news is that everyone hunts you down for your organs.