Dictatorship over "democracy" as we have it now any day.
Hell, I'd even take monarchy over the politically correct fascist empire we have now.
Yes, i compared the Politically correct bunch to The WW2 Axis; "Agree with us or you are right wing, and thus wrong"
Also, i laugh gleefully at people that think that the constitution is still "in effect" in most western countries.
90% of the laws stated in the constitutions have been overruled by tedious laws stealing your privacy one directive at a time.
Left-wing-ism is the new facism, just look at what they are doing; they are stealing our free speech, our rights to express our concerns, and our right to govern; as the BASIS upon which democracy was built was that the DEMOS(people) had rights to END the reign of terror by IMPEACHING them.
If you would try that now, even with half the population behind you, you'd be deemed a revolutionairy, and a threat to the state, and thus labled a terrorist nazi.
Truly, the self-righteous leftists are steamrolling everything our forefathers fought and died for.
After all these years of making fun of them, I finally understand the anti-globalists and their smelly, smelly ways.