What do you think of a Fallout taking place in Brazil ?

Kaian Monte

First time out of the vault
-plz come to Brazil

Hello again people's of NMA, i'd like to ask your opinion about a Fallout game taking place Brazil, someone that has study brazilian history knows that since the 50's (well, in fact since the Portuguese invaded here) the most recent disturbed period was the 1964 dictatorship, also the period which Brazil was most close to the U. S. A, do you think that in the events of the Fallout universe the history would be different ? And a game taking place after the great war in this land would be cool ?
I’m not sure how much a full game would appeal to fans (In fact I doubt it’ll happen) but you can make a fan fiction, or maybe we’ll get a novel.
Yeah, probably most people wouldn't like it very much, but would have potential with the factions, i pretend to write in the fallout fiction but not now for no being annoying by flooding NMA with my posts and because i still have to study the period. Also thank for being the first to respond. : D
I could see something set in China or a Dlc somewhere else, but the main games should always be set in the US