What do you think would’ve happened to Myron, had he never been killed?


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
I’ve been doing fallout alt-histories, and this just came into my head. If Myron never died to his stabbing in the Den, what do you think would’ve happened to him.
For your hypothetical starting point, are you considering everything potentially mentioned in New Vegas dialogue as confirmed canon as of the end of F2? Bishops and Wrights ascendant, Mordinos and Salvatores smashed, New Reno destined for NCR and far stricter substance laws, etc?
For your hypothetical starting point, are you considering everything potentially mentioned in New Vegas dialogue as confirmed canon as of the end of F2? Bishops and Wrights ascendant, Mordinos and Salvatores smashed, New Reno destined for NCR and far stricter substance laws, etc?
Yes, I think by 2281 the families active in New Reno are the Wrights, Bishops, and Van Graffs, with heavy NCR influence.

- Was a little asshole
- Had absolutely no ethical standards whatsoever
- Was an hormonal, horny teen.
- He liked making drugs for the Mordinos, he just got upset because he got stuck making better jet, he wanted to make new things.
- Was an absolute genius and prodigy who invented Jet during his teen years (fuck the "Jet is Pre-War" retcon, btw)

I wonder if Myron would forever be the hormonal teen horndog shithead he is, through. He's definitively one of the most evil Fallout companions, so he might be one of those types that never change.

I think its telling that Myron had a "buddy" who founded his own town and would likely welcome a very intelligent prodigy over there, and yet Myron went to grab some drinks in the Den. Clearly the runt would not stay in a place like Arroyo, full of eager tribal types and Vault Dwellers. Where else he could go?

- Vault City? Myron is probably intelligent enough to ace the citizenship tests, but Myron clearly disdains Vault City. Its not also a place know for being innovative and its also simply not the kind of place where a horndog teenager genius who likes making drugs would like to hang out. If someone like McLure was smart enough, he would go and grab Myron to advance their medical technology.

- New Reno? Lolnope, the Mordinos would want him there. Working for the other families would probably end up in the same situation or the Mordinos killing him. Another possibility is that the Mordinos hear word of him and kidnap him anyway.

- NCR? Too prim and proper. Maybe he could work for Merk?

- San Francisco, maybe? Seems to me that the Shi would recognize Myron's genius and easily give him all the money, pussy and opportunities to develop drugs he wants, as long as he toes the line.

Wanna know a place where Myron would probably feel at home? The Institute. Absolutely no scientific ethics whatsoever, science is all, technology everywhere. They would not give a shit at all about Myron using wastelanders as their test subjects. No idea how they would give him pussy - maybe give him synth sexbot waifus? No really, how come Synths don't get used as sexbots in Fallout 4? The Institute doesn't even consider truly sentient.

Wait a fucking minute... The Institute has a merc from the West Coast working for them, Kellogg. All they need is to hear word of this wonderkid who invented Jet in his teens, and off Kellogg goes back home to nab Myron. They may even give Myron some cybernetics so he never ages and just keeps baking chems for the BioSciences division forever.

Bam! Myron in an alternate Fallout 4.
Best outcome for him would be to never join the chosen one and stays with the mordinos.

The guys doesn't seem he can take care of himself, has a mouth that can easily make new enemies, and is already on the Mordino's wanted list, plus all the chosen one's enemies. He wouldn't last long on his own after he would part ways with the chosen one.
Best outcome for him would be to never join the chosen one and stays with the mordinos.

The guys doesn't seem he can take care of himself, has a mouth that can easily make new enemies, and is already on the Mordino's wanted list, plus all the chosen one's enemies. He wouldn't last long on his own after he would part ways with the chosen one.
His best bet would’ve been to ask the CO to hitch him a ride to NCR, IMO
Funfact: In the mod Fallout Doomsday for Darkest Hour, Myron's death in the Den was actually a Mordino fabrication to fake his death. He gets promptly dragged back to New Reno to work for the mobsters wherever he likes it or not. New Reno has Myron as a tech team.

There's even an event where mexican raiders (a faction in that mod) get drunk in Reno and kidnap Myron.

Best outcome for him would be to never join the chosen one and stays with the mordinos.

The guys doesn't seem he can take care of himself, has a mouth that can easily make new enemies, and is already on the Mordino's wanted list, plus all the chosen one's enemies. He wouldn't last long on his own after he would part ways with the chosen one.

Agreed, Myron would't last long by himself in the wasteland. The fact he went to grab a drink in the Den (2nd shittiest place in the West Coast) only shows how clueless he is about certain things.

He needs someone strong to protect him, and he doesn't feel like the kind who likes a simple life either. There's no way he doesn't end killed by some wasteland thugs or pressed to work for someone else making chemicals.