what do you want to do

Be remembered (for something good, I hope), that is my second biggest ambition. If that means having my name on some tombstone in Arlington cemetary, then so be it. We all got to die sometime.
Since tenth grade I've had my eyes set on Psychology, to be more accurate Psychoanalysis. I've got 2 more years 'till I graduate, then the Master and PhD. I'm kind of running short on time so I'll elaborate later.
I'm coming up to leaving school so I get asked this every day. I'm thinking over the next few years unless something different happens I'll go to college and study psychology, travel about and write or join the army. None of them are that intresting really.

I'm not really bothered too much about anything. I'm just constantly bored and sometimes pissed off, nothing seems that intresting any more. There's plenty to do though it just seems pointless. Another task to string together a day full of monotonous tasks, constantly repeating.

/me riffs on guitar and writes poems.
Probably go to 6 form, then collage, then get a full time job and work myself to death.

That’s pretty much it.
Raymondo2000 said:
Probably go to 6 form, then collage, then get a full time job and work myself to death.

That’s pretty much it.

Just a suggestion, but I wouldn't bother with 6th form. College has more freedom and you pick up similair prizes at the end. Unless you're going for a certain reason (it's nearby, doing a unique course) I'd just go to college mebbe?

Actually I fucked that up I was meant to put university not collage.

I’m going to 6 form because I know all the teachers already and no one I know is going to collage, so if I did go then I would be alone and shit.
I have no real idea what i want to do when i grow up. I figure that untill that happens, I'll just turn wrenches and crew Chinooks for the Army.. In 4 years i plan to re-enlist into the national guard and change MOS's to 15T (Blackhawk Mechanic/crew) It's a 2 and a half week tail rotor course and i'll still keep Chinook as my secondary MOS..

Beyond that. I've no feckin clue.. Except that i'm going for my certificate in Computer technology right now. (It's all classes in like microsoft word, excel, and the like.. nothing hard)
What to do? Well most jobs are either easy and boring or incredibly difficult and rewarding. I think I wil go for the stimulating, high stress option. I hate repetitive, boring tasks but am interested in everything (except I don't like computers, because they hate me and lawyers, politicians and businessmen, because they are shifty bastards.) I am the only guy at my school who does modern history, extension history, physics, chemistry, advanced english, extension english and mathematics. That is I am the only science/humanities man and I am pressured to specialize.

As to career, I will probably go into science (even though you get no money and little recognition) because it details finding out about the absolute, practical truths of how the universe works (well until the next theory comes along to demolish the previous anyway). I do not know enough about science to choose a specific field but biochemistry, psychology or medical science seem particularly interesting. History can have the luxury of being another hobby. Research in science is a risk I am currently willing to take, but we'll see if I change my mind later.

I would like to have a stable marriage and children to carry on the genes. (Yes that kind of immortality).
welsh said:
What about you? What do you want to do?

This month:

Finish the adaptation of this goddamn system made with Delphi and interbase to a new system made with kylix and firebird. Both languages are from the same company but everyday appears a new problem. I bet it would be much faster if we did the whole thing again. From scratch.

Next month:

If that cursed thing is not working.....

Looking for a new job.
WHat I want to do? Well, I want to finish "High school", go to university and stufy Computer Science, and then get a cool job with it. One that I enjoy, not necessarily one that pays well.
I have several options, but no idea.

1. I study history right now. If I'll make it, then I'll be a historian. Woo-hoo. The studies really interest me, but to be honest- I don't want to spend my entire life doing historical research. I've thought of archeology, but the problem is that being an acheologist in Western Europe means to dig up shards of clay pots all your life. Not really rewarding.

2. I write for a students magazine. Apparently, I ain't too shabby in it, because I've recieved an offer from a Belgian newspaper to become a writer for their youngster's quire. So, I might be able to persue a career in journalism. The only problem is, that I seem to have to urge to *create* events, instead of report them.

3. I work with children a lot. I've spent several holiday jobs doing that, and I kind of like it. The only problem is, that after a month or so it all starts to get on my nerves. So I guess I don't want to spend my entire life doing that.

So, until I can make up my mind, I guess I'll just stick with the old plan: becoming ruler of the word one day, or to punch Herve in the face.
On the short-term:

Write my first book. (Got the idea, got the characters, got the location, just need the time)
Write my stand-up act and perform it in the 2nd National Portuguese Festival of Stand-Up Comedy, if I get the time.
Pass all classes of my first year in Communication Design Faculty (in the Faculty of Fine-Arts of the University of Porto) if high grades.
Get my drivers license.
Start drawing better.
Buy a good digital photographic camera.
Read the books in my waiting list, starting with Coca-Cola Killer by Maestro Vitorino de Almeira

On the long-term:

Get my Communication Design degree and create an atelier of Art & Design collaborating with architects and all sorts of designers and artists and divulging Art and Design in Portugal.
Before starting to work, spend a couple of months in Mont. Fuji, in Japan, in the spring, just meditating.
Be a professional communication designer.
Be a professional freelance photographer
Be a novel writer and comic books creator.
Get to be a black belt in Hiep Khi Vo Dao.
Take a degree in Arts History
Probably being an Arts teacher in High-School.
Have two children: boy and girl.
Have a great house with huge garden.
Buy a Porsche (911 Carrera, the old ones) and a great motorcycle (chopper, maybe a Yamaha Warrior)
Spend 2 years going around the world.
Never stop being involved in Art and artistic creation.
I think I've decided on being some sort of Computer Support Specialist. I get to help stupid people, and fix their computers when they do something stupid. And I get to laugh at all the stupid stuff they do. It'll be fun.

I'd like to make some music, too. I'd hope to be semi-famous, if only just locally. I love to make and play music, so that'd be fun too.

This "fuking" of turnips sounds interesting too, maybe I'll give it a try.