What ever happened to vault city?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Its wierd that thier were no references besides cassidy's remarks about vault city being pacifict, which does'nt fit too well. Are they still around or did they get conquered by the NCR, or are they still independent?
Atomkilla said:
It would be an unfortunate thing if it ended up as a DLC. Very unfortunate.

Personally I'd enjoy blowing the head off of old lady First Citizen Lynette.

Actually I'd be willing to buy an entire DLC based on that premise; travel to Vault City, shoot the head off of Lynette, return to the Mojave, the end. That's the last time you'll kick me out of Vault City Lynette!
Lynette would look like crap in Gamebryo, and so would the whole city. I don't want my fond memories getting ruined by that stupid thing.
Cass talks about Vault city very casualy as if is just another place in the NCR everybody knows, it is obvious that it was anexed to the NCR with the scheming of Bishop.
Well don't forget that Vault City had a ghoul issue to deal with, and then, perhaps, it forms an alliance with the ghouls- power for medical care.

Also, Vault City's comparative advantage in the wasteland is medical services. The economics and the ideology kind of fit.
It would suck in Gamebryo....
But then again, Obsidian made NV look better than F3 ever will. More people and more real places and not shacks with 6 people calling themselves a republic.....ugh....
