What food do you eat that everyone else thinks is weird?

Well this may be a little bit weird but I've been a fan of the movie Little Monsters since I was a little kid. In the movie Fred Savages character eats a peanut butter and onion sandwich. When I was young I went ew of course. The combination is uncommon and weird. After a recent re-watch a couple months back, I figured what the hell. Gotta say sweet onion and peanut butter sandwiches on wheat is fucking delicious.
As a devout onion-hater, your post makes me cringe thinking of the smooth texture of peanutbutter broken up by crunchiness.
That is a secret ritual to win yourself a mexican father in law! How did you found out!?! :shock:
Dad does the same thing... I like spicy food and all but sometimes there isn't much of a flavor and you're just consuming pure concentrated suffering. Jalapenos I can handle though...

Also I really like pork rinds.
I don't understand why they're like the Styrofoam of chips. Like eating stale air.
Dad does the same thing... I like spicy food and all but sometimes there isn't much of a flavor and you're just consuming pure concentrated suffering. Jalapenos I can handle though...
I personally dislike jalapenos. It's not because they're too hot, it's just that it doesn't really TASTE good, ya'know? I love me a mean salsa, don't get me wrong, but it's just something about a jalapenos flavor.
I don't know. Licorice ice cream? Salmiakki (sal ammoniac)? Mämmi? I like most sea food that some people don't like like octopus, clams, etc.

Foreigners eating mämmi.
I'm a fan of cinnamon sugar bagels with, onion, turkey, and lettuce. People I know say I'm weird for liking it but I is rather good.

I'm also a fan of drinking Worchestershire sauce straight. Dunno why but its just so good. (Heinz not Lee & Perrins, Lee and Perrins tastes like crap to me.)

French fries and BBQ sauce is a favorite of mine as well.
I don't know. Licorice ice cream?

I love licorice ice cream. Licorice sprinkles on vanilla ice cream, on chocolate ice cream or straight up licore ice cream. Eating it on an almost daily basis in the summer.

Asfor weird food, I dunno. I tried durian in Singapore and liked it. I liked surströmming when I tried it as a kid. I love havarti, the stinky cheese (along with all othet stinky cheeses). Guess I love stinky stuff.