Fallout 2 mod What happened to Last Hope mod download?

sorry, nevermind, guess I'll be waiting for an official release :P

[URL='https://www.nma-fallout.com/members/jaw.51181/']JaW[/URL] Hi Forgotten Knight, where is your Last Hope topic? Download page is also missing?
Jan 19, 2021 Report
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  1. Forgotten Knight
    Hello! Upload link was up just for the testing. Since i made a lot of small changes which won't be compatible with the previous 1.082 i decided to "start fresh" and delete the old files. Old forum topic added to the confusion as people were using old/different installation method/files from what i suggested. I have old comments and community suggestions safely stored on several holodisks in my vault :)
    Jan 19, 2021 Report

  2. JaW
    Understand. Thank you for you quick answer. So when can we expect a new version of your mod?
    Jan 19, 2021 Report

  3. Forgotten Knight
    I have few things to take care of:
    -make mod installation simple
    -edit some maps, edges were messy when i switched to new high-res version
    -most likely add few more things before making it "official"
Huh, I was just wondering about where I can find Last Hope. Wanted to try it out. Glad to see this thread isn't old and there's a new version on the way. I shall wait.
Oh cool, its you! I mean I stumbled on your youtube videos of you playing Fallout Nevada. It was quite good, made me get it and play it, had lots of fun with it. And it looks like Last Hope is an interesting mod as well.
Thanks for the compliment! I'm delighted it got you playing the mod :D
Yes, definitely, Last Hope mod is actually pretty well designed with a bunch of quests that make sense and a pretty well laid out quest path. Still a little buggy in v1.082, but when v1.083 (or whatever) is released, I'm definitely playing it again :)
I have! Sorry you missed it, it was just at the beginning of the month. I'm in the process of editing other things right now (which I hope to release in the next week or so), but I'll get around to that one soon...ish :P

It's a solid mod, short but sweet. Being able to finish it in a single stream is actually kind of nice. Makes me wish more mods were made like that :P
Anyways @QuantumApprentice

Did You've found a way to finish the mod?

I played with the mod a bit and visited all locations
Wasteland Forest; The Sanctuary; Miners Town; Lost City; Farmers Town; Small Village; UMB; Golden Valley; Philton; MRC; and a "C" town which name i can't remember.
I did most of the quests (some towns have around 10-11 quests each), but no traces of
Scott and other escaped convicts to report to prison warden
, is there actually a way to finish this mod?

BTW this game has an extremely low tech setting. most of the time One should run unarmed and on ocasion blow stuff with 10mmSMG as it's the only ammo that is plentifull. big guns are scarse as fuck and have very limited ammo, same way armor the best I came up with was
2x Metal Armor
better armors are nowhere to be found.

Steal skill is *king* in this game there's an additional roll in order to attempt stealing with various npcs. Prison guards spoil their stuff at around 6/10 attempts at 160% steal skill.
I found that one prison guard has a laser pistol in his inventory (the one in prison cell block wall), also in encounters they tend to have only stimpacks and money (gold). however if the encounter is "WP patrol aginst.. (some kind of enemy)" there is a chance that prison guard wastes all of his ammo clip on the opponents and puts his weapon into backpack. If the same guard manages to survive the encounter. the weapon ends up in his inventory and it is possible to steal it (provided one has enaugh steal skill) at least that's how i got my second Sniper Rifle. I might one day try a trick, to use *my* stimpacks on robbers in "WP patrol vs. robbers" encounter to keep them alive long enaugh so that wp patrol looses all of it's ammo on robbers and puts their weapons away.
This would be especially usefull for those unobtainable weaposn like plasma rifle. if given sufficient steal skill and stealing from WP Patrols encounters one literally swims in stimpacks. also getting Mysterious Stranger for some early level ammo exploit is also a good way to obtain more ammo. however past level 27 he only spawns with 2x50 4,7mm caseless, which the only weapon that uses it is held in Mysterious Stranger's hands. Likewise Micro Fusion Cells stolen from Mysterious Stranger have literally no use ( I haven't found any big Energy weapons other than Mysterious Stranger's Laser Rifle up to lvl 26, and those WP Patrolmen using Plasma Rifles).
The exploit with Mysterious Stranger is that when clicking on any terrain that is not a city you have a chance to spawn with him/her as well (if you took the perk), and each time he/she spawns he/she has 2x stimpacks and 2 packs of ammo tailored to the gun he/she wields. ranging from Shotgun/Assault Rifle/HK CAWS/Laser Rifle/HK G11E. the 3 last ones are probably uniquely used by him/her.

I changed sfall the game comes with and repaced it with sfall-Extended 4.2.9, also burn's Fo2tweaks does marvelous things at revealing various hidden manholes and stairs. gl_stealcheat.int while helping with stealing from inventory, it does not help with the initial steal inventory acces, also disabling travel time pass in sfall is a good practice 4 this mod, since the initial 4 months run out pretty damn quickly,and despite uncovering th whole worldmap and visiting every location i still haven't managed to progress in this quest. It seemes that while stopping calendar to pass doesn't prevent player from healing while traveling.

So got any hints what I should do next?

a for your initial question where to get Last Hope mod try Dobrovik's archive in stickies (old version) or _Pyran_'s signature (recommended) to get more recent version.

Also according to the game files In one of the towns there's seposedly a party member, however when i've found him he doesn't talk to Me.

Also this party member has some proto errors, and additionally He's missing his last stage proto file. I've managed to fix the bugs myself but still I have no idea how to proceed with recruiting him.
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There will be a separate thread for the Last Hope mod FAQ and Debugging. We can close this thread and move the party to my place, if the fellow wastelanders agree :)

p.s. I forgot to mention, i can answer any mod related questions until the new thread is up. PM or Starting a conversation works as well.
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There will be a separate thread for the Last Hope mod FAQ and Debugging. We can close this thread and move the party to my place, if the fellow wastelanders agree :)

p.s. I forgot to mention, i can answer any mod related questions until the new thread is up. PM or Starting a conversation works as well.
Fine with me..
When do we start?
There will be a separate thread for the Last Hope mod FAQ and Debugging. We can close this thread and move the party to my place, if the fellow wastelanders agree
This thread is just a drop off point so I could give people something to read about the mod after watching one of my streams or (hopefully soon) reviews, I'll change the links over the next couple of days. Hope there's a new download link coming soon! :)
Hi Forgotten Knight, do you have any rough estimate when you`ll release V1.083? I managed to download the WIP version of V1.083 when you uploaded it temporarily, but on quest from Bob -> Gecko hunt with Mark, the Geckos will not spawn in Hunting Area :(

I must say I`m impressed of the work you done on this mod. Thanks for that!.
Hi Forgotten Knight, do you have any rough estimate when you`ll release V1.083? I managed to download the WIP version of V1.083 when you uploaded it temporarily, but on quest from Bob -> Gecko hunt with Mark, the Geckos will not spawn in Hunting Area :(

I must say I`m impressed of the work you done on this mod. Thanks for that!.
Much appreciated. :salute: I can do a quick surgery, i'll just need your save game SLOT to operate on. Just stand still and please be "patient" :)
You can PM me a link/file if you will. Btw, this is the actual mod thread.