What i wouldnt mind seeing

Hey how `bout a Good old steam engines, and stuff that are derivates of an idea ? Ya know like big Steam-Train From those Spageti-westerns.....
The whole idea of the Fallout world is a world in decay/ruins, I really don't like vehicles in the world that much.
Um, I think steam powered cars were in a PA Dick story, but this is steampunk, not PA ;)

Also, please discern Mad Max from Vault Dweller. Mad Max had a largely different theme, more estranged eighties than fusion-fed fifties of the future. Mad Max was an important inspiration, but there were some aspects that were adopted and some that were ignored. Motorised battles were one of the latter.For instance, the power source was different. Fusion-powered cars would make little sense, since fusion power was either available to elite tech groups like BOS, or totally unknown among the wasteland peasants.

Please don't cite Smitty. His vending fusion cells was a mistake. Look in Fallout 1, there are few MFC's outside Mariposa, Lost Hills and Hot Spot.
I am not adverse to the idea of motorized vehicles existing in the FO universe, as long as they are oddities, and not the norm. Surely someone somewhere can construct or scavange up a working internal-combustion engine that runs off brahmin shit or alcohol or something.

I think the real reason we don't see working cars in FO and (with one exception) FO2 is the same readon we don't see horses in a lot of fantasy RPGs. It would be too complicated to fit in the game.

Also, given the isometric view in the game, there just isn't a whole lot to do with a car. The maps aren't that big and driving around a city just seems stupid. The only real purpose a car can realistically serve is a plot device for quickly transporting characters between towns . . . otherwise the game might turn into a driving sim or Interstate '76.

Can you imagine car to car (or car to person) combat in turn base? That takes into acount that cars are fairly fast and any combat is unlikely to take place on a normal size map?

I'm not saying it's impossible, I just can't see how it could be done.
Damn, I was hoping someone wouldn't make an intelligent point that would ruin my fun but you did and you're right, and it would be difficult to do without changing the Fallout game design and game world so much. That's okay but I'm still thinking of ways to do it properly and effectively, I'll get back to you guys soon.
Extra Extra Extra Gore!!!!!

One of the best part in fallout series was to be able to take a .223 pistal and blow open the guts of your enemy, or a flame thrower to send them running around in flames. Oh . . . and after you max out critical dmg and unarmed skill, being able to punch the enemy once and see them dismembered into flying tiny pieces!!!!! So hilarious. . . . :lol:

Edit: just remembered, i must have the "bloody mess" perk, its a must for playing FO!!!!
I appreciate the fact that you love that element of Fallout but I still want realism, you can still have lots of blood and violence without making every weapon ridiculously powerful. For example the 223.(5.56x45mm nato)round, in real life when it hits the human body it goes into a tumbling motion gradually splitting apart into fragments of copper and lead, this gives it the potential of ripping several inches through flesh, muscle, and tissue and causing serious physical damage. Even though this is possible the round lacks the mass and weight to have the stopping power of a .45 ACP, or a .308(7.62x51mm nato). And on several occasions an enemy has taken multiple rounds of .223 to central mass without being killed because the .223 round is light weight, and high velocity. It just doesn't have enough stopping power, but it always depends on the exact section and angle of their body hit, range, and weapon type. The .223 can still have incredible damage and fatality potential but it should be determined by a wide veriety of factors. The .223 should do more damage and have hightened potential of instant fatality if it hits the chest than any other section of the torso.
What? That's all true information given, it's an effective round but lack the mass and weight to have true stopping power, it's obviously more effective in accurately controled bursts. Nevermind it's not the right place to share logical info though. :roll:
No, I was refering to the "Extra Extra Extra Gore!!!!! ". Yours is OK.

It'd the difference between 'ultimate' 'penultimate' & 'antepenultimate' :)
Oh, in that case yeah. I always loved the violence factor in Fallout, but I always wanted more elaborate detailed death animations. Hell we all know Fallout 3 will have a 3-D rotational zoom camera(hopefully with the option to lock a specific angle and elevation i.e. isometric)so why not have the Havoc physics engine in place? We can still have all those ultra violent death animations just with an incredible physics system. Don't get me wrong if that takes too much work screw it, just keep the death sequences and make em violent!
Well, as I wrote in the other thread, get enought violence into the game to make it real and !PG, but don't overdo and exploit it... Especially seeing how impossible it is for developers to simulate blood springs adequately in a 3-D environment (Shadow of Rome anyone?) :P
What?! What do you mean "make it PG!"? Hell no, make it realistic and humorous at the same time i.e. rated M for Mature. Jeez Fallout rated PG(Teen)would be a horrible mistake. They'd take out all the decent violence, language, and sexual interests. Fallout has to stay desperate, violent, and keep the adult themed language, realism, and the mature rated themes that make Fallout what it is. An open ended dynamic retro future designed game of profanity, political intrigue, realistic egaging stories, violence, and sexuality. You can't achieve this in a Teen rated game.
I would like to see some ragdoll physics and nice blood decals. The thing I am woried about is how messy the deaths will be. If the devs will have half of the torso blown away from a small handgun, then what will happen when someone is shot with a Bozar? A few cars would be nice but only usable for long distance travel, like in FO2. And it would be fair to be extremely prone to break in the middle of the desert :twisted:
I realy like the idea of weather effects. Bethsoft is very good at this, just take a look at morrowind (or the new oblivion trailer). Now imagine that rain with a greanish tint, and glow-maping. Can you say awsomeness?
Weather fx would be nice, but I wouldn't want to see rain in FO3 simply because I don't want too much vegetation... that would ruin that great -end of the world- feeling. Instead I would like the combat to be more melee oriented because there are not many war factories left after the war and ammo tends to decrease especially after a few hundred years :wink: . I mean I WANT to KILL for a couple of clips for my dear Desert Eagle
Absolutely, but the reality of it is, the Earth has had many climate shifts over its 4 billion year history, without humans fucking it up with nuclear warfare. Comets have rained down and vastly changed the climate and life has efficiently adapted to that. Life will once again flourish after a nuclear attack, in small places at first, but it will return. With a climate shift comes fluctuating pressure and temperature changes. Glowing rad rain would certainly kick ass, but weather should not be concentrated on, there are many more important aspects of the game, but if the developers threw it in there, it would be appreciated :wink:
If weather effects are going to be included, then they should be an actual factor in the game.

And I don't mean your character ends up with a few less hit points after traveling for several days if there is a storm.

If there is a storm, then I'd like to think it would show up on the world map.

Beyond this I would like to see fights during inclimate weather affected (i.e. decreased visibility and therefore chance to hit decreased by rain. Decreased movement during high wind conditions. And so on). I would like to see tall cacti (sorry trees but since there are no trees cacti will have to do) which have been struck by lightning, and maybe the occasional mutilated Brahmin.

A radioactive twister probably would be good as a thematic element, but I would like to point out that the likelihood that the radiation would be more dangerous than the tornado is slim to none. The decay rate of most dangerous fission byproducts is such that after a couple hundreds years you won't be dealing with any of it. So really what you are looking at is a radiated land mass which will be devoid of life (the radiation will have killed the native soil bacteria), and contain some long lasting radioactive material, but won't be so radioactive as to present a major danger.

If you are looking for radioactive danger, then a damaged, exposed nuclear storage site like the one they are constructing in Nevada, where tons of material will be stored, would be the way to go. One should note that established medical findings have found that doses in the 250 Rem+ range in one weeks time will require medical supervision, so until you a fairly decent radiation source you won't be expecting any major cellular damage. Realistically speaking you need a gamma or neutron emittor to present a serious radiological threat. Alpha particles are stopped by your clothing, and beta emissions are stopped by as little as a sheet of tin foil. So for someone stupid enough to go rolling around naked in nuclear waste, sure they are going to be in trouble, but with a little precaution, a little distance, and limited exposure time one needn't worry about most radioactive materials. Most of the byproducts of normal decay are beta and alpha emittors, so I'm not fearing for my life barring the existence of large volumes of radioactive material or the presence of something which likes to give off neutrons/gamma rays.
GhostWhoTalks said:
If there is a storm, then I'd like to think it would show up on the world map.
Isn't the world map a map loaded into your pipboy, I don't remember it ever being said that it's a real time satellite image. Isn't it just a static image that you can annotate?

If the map is a preloaded image shouldn't the image be from pre-war? And unknown locations, that you know are there but don't know what they are or are called shouldn't show up on the world map until you are very close?

On the other hand if the map is a real time satellite image shouldn't there be some blank areas where satellite coverage has failed, it can still be annotated but you don't see any landscape graphic for a few squares. Also the satellite coverage should be intermitent, the system might have glitches. That could be something for a repair/science orientated character to do, have to go repair an uplink station so that the world map continues to get up dated.