What if you were in the fallout universe ?

I'd go around threatening people to give me supplies with my bb gun until I can go into a town (maybe Sabirah's) and trade them in for a real gun.
WelcomeToNewReno said:
I'd go around threatening people to give me supplies with my bb gun until I can go into a town (maybe Sabirah's) and trade them in for a real gun.

As long as you don't start any trouble you're welcome to come. ;)
I think I would not be able to hold out to long out there in wasteland but I hope I doesn't get to a apocalypse as long as I live :D
I'd go insane and start my own cult. I'm sure that would keep me alive for more than a day. *Cough* Church of the Imperium *Cough*

Also first post. I suppose its great to be here.
I will learn to run....very fast.
probably I am going to stay in a town, working with pre-war computers or repairing weapons.
Let's see. I think I might try and make my way towards the Siksika 146 reservation, and even though I'm only a quarter Native, I'll try and fit in with the population. This is assuming that the Siksika 146 reservation hasn't been nuked to almighty hell.
Generally, I am an outdoors man. I spend a lot of time fishing and hunting... not to mention the occasional camping trips I take with my family... though solo camping trips are the norm for me.

In the "real world" I was in the medical profession as both a CNA and home care specialist. Previous to that, I worked construction and before that, I was the manager of a retail & wholesale military surplus store. As a kid I worked both in fast food and on a horse ranch.

My hobbies also include paintball and airsoft where I played, coached, repaired/modified equipment and refereed games. I was also an airsoft event writer, coordinator, and producer for over 3 years. I am also an armature metal detectorist/ treasure hunter... though my success is rather limited. My speciality was tactical simulations and worked heavily with civilians, military, and law enforcement to that extent.

With my health not being what it once was, I suppose I would use my skills to be as an efficient merchant as possible. Also, I would likely be a consultant, acting as a liaison between those that needed and those that had... such as assist people in finding guides, security, training, etc,...

While it isn't glorious, I figure that I could at least make a living.
Definitely start a cult and get some dimwit followers that can protect me. Send them scavenging until enough capital is there to become a merchant/cult leader.

Why wait though, I can start some cult right now, brb.
Hm, I'd probably make my way to the nearest settlement and settle down there. If at all possible once I get there I'd probably start a general store of some kind. I'm not one to go risking life and limb out in the wastes for no good reason. I'll stick with the town, become a respected member of the community, and hopefully die peacefully.

That's about as good as I could hope for.