Generally, I am an outdoors man. I spend a lot of time fishing and hunting... not to mention the occasional camping trips I take with my family... though solo camping trips are the norm for me.
In the "real world" I was in the medical profession as both a CNA and home care specialist. Previous to that, I worked construction and before that, I was the manager of a retail & wholesale military surplus store. As a kid I worked both in fast food and on a horse ranch.
My hobbies also include paintball and airsoft where I played, coached, repaired/modified equipment and refereed games. I was also an airsoft event writer, coordinator, and producer for over 3 years. I am also an armature metal detectorist/ treasure hunter... though my success is rather limited. My speciality was tactical simulations and worked heavily with civilians, military, and law enforcement to that extent.
With my health not being what it once was, I suppose I would use my skills to be as an efficient merchant as possible. Also, I would likely be a consultant, acting as a liaison between those that needed and those that had... such as assist people in finding guides, security, training, etc,...
While it isn't glorious, I figure that I could at least make a living.