WHat if you were one of the 400 richest?

This thread is great.

Anyway, I'd first buy:
1) A yellow 1972 Lamborgini Mirua SV. (which I wouldn't drive (much)).
2) A house (not a villa, not a huge fucking place etc, just a practical house. I don't want to be cleaning all day, or have someone cleaning all day. :P).
3) Some nice electronic gizmo's, PCs etc.
Then I'd donate at least half of my money to charity, to keep enough for me to live off for the rest of my life.
how nice........ :twisted:
id spend it on a bunker/fallout shelter, education, cars, a back yard shooting range, and i would sit on the rest
Jebus said:
I'd buy the internet and make all of you beg for a connection.


I don't think the internet is for sale unless you know Al Gore real well, since he created the internet, you know. :wink:

I would buy Hawaii and make the Navy pay me to dock there.
Warped314 said:
I don't think the internet is for sale

EVERYTHING has its price.

Just for that insolence, I would buy your country and create a law which obliges people to urinate on you.
Old Sadam Hussein used to be on that list.

Me, I think I would travel. Write fiction and go from place to place, spending 6 months to a year in one place until it got old and then relocate elsewhere.

Invest heavily so that I could control the White House.

Buy Cuba, I hear it's going cheap and it's in the tropics. Finland? Fuck that. All Finland gave us is cheese and reindeer.
I would buy my school, and let people ride their bikes in it. That would show them!
Id spend every dime i had on Bijillion little steel ball barings and use planes to just dump the lil bastards everywhere...
I would grow shamelessly fat like Marlon Brando, purchase several posh houses and cars, have nonstop parties, screw 10 different bitches every night, and indulge in every imaginable pleasure like a good hedonist should.
I would buy Puerto Rico.... then kick all those puerto rican bastards out, make them move to
cuba.. (exceppt for the ones necessary to keep the economy alive) and allow any orderite to move there. Free of charge, any Orderite (and a few select NMA'ers) couuld be come citizens...
First I'd do all kinds of eccentric stuff, just to make some people surprised and others pissed. Then I would make a fund with like 90% of the remaining money where researchers could get grants for researching things for improving the lives of mankind (all research would have to be public domain of course). Then I would do as welsh, travel around the world at leisure, trying to write something.
But I already am…

Anyway. I would invest enough so I would have money until my grandsons died of old age.
After that I would travel around the world for a year with my girlfriend.
After that I would buy myself the penthouse of the best 5 star hotel in the city and move there with my girlfriend until we both finished our studies.
Then I would go and buy a house… something by Frank Lloyd Wright or in that same style, and would spend the rest of my days painting, sculpting, drawing, writing, reading, etc...
Oh, and I wouldn’t give any away to charity. I would BUILD my own charitable organization. That way I would know that my money would go to the proper place.
Elissar said:
I would buy Puerto Rico.... then kick all those puerto rican bastards out, make them move to
cuba.. (exceppt for the ones necessary to keep the economy alive) and allow any orderite to move there. Free of charge, any Orderite (and a few select NMA'ers) couuld be come citizens...

So basically, you would seize power and create a state with deportations, ethnic cleansing, seggragation, racism, nepotism, apartheid and corruption?

I think you would need to grow a little black moustache first, tho'.
Jebus said:
So basically, you would seize power and create a state with deportations, ethnic cleansing, seggragation, racism, nepotism, apartheid and corruption?

Yes, thats the general idea.

jeebus said:
I think you would need to grow a little black moustache first, tho'.

Well, i dont have black hair, and the stash would be a mix of light brown and red.. I've got wierd hair color.
First i would buy sweden.
Then i would kick out all the boys age 16-35
I..... would send them too USA so that the united states would be thrown into turmoil, and after the timespan of fiften days be invaded by canada who will eventually kick the swedish into mexico so that they can create a working vassal state. The new vassal state will by the way be called the United States Under Canada and will be lead by the coalition of mangastars with their master boo as supreme ruler.
Then i would go hunting in northern sweden, with the occasional visit to stockholm to bed princess madeleine.(and every other sweet girl i would come across)PS (the ugly girls would be send to china so that y would not seise the oppurtunity and take world power.

Also i would buy myself an automatic mingunshotgun wich i would mount on the back of a snowmobile so that the hunt would have been funnier.
Is there such a thing as an ugly Swedish girl?
Be careful answering, a dream could be destroyed here.