What info do you want to know?

If you would be so kind, what are the endurance requirements for implants?

Seriously a must for any OCD character designer.
I have some info on the Implants...

The STR, PER, END, INT, AGL, and LUK implants cost 4k caps each. The other two cost 8k and 12k caps.

Delacroix said:
If at all possible, higher resolution pictures of the map of the wasteland.
Otherwise, info on weapon mods, do you just pay to upgrade a weapon, or do you need special "mod-kits" to upgrade a weapon.
Also, perks that are not chooseable when leveling (e.i perks given in quests, encounters and such)

Any new info would just be great, and thank you kindly for doing this!

Posted, full map and full mod "how to do" that was in the guide

Vaults, Purpose/Experiment, numbers, locations, even pictures, anything you can get about Vaults will be appreciated

Locations and number, but no experiment or picutures

Humpsalot said:
automatic shotgun is in game, so there is a FO2 weapon for you.

What exactly do you mean with this? Because Fallout 2 got many automatic shotguns. While in Fallout 1 just has been the City-Killer, Fallout 2 got the CAWS and Jackhammer additionally.
Thank you kindly for the map and mods pics, giving a good insight into the game, very kind of you to do this :)
I sent you a PM I do not want to read anything in this thread, I have stayed pretty much spoiler free for about a week or more now.

I want to know what mods there are for the Laser RCW, I am hoping for a forward grip mod that would make it a full out chicago typewriter type tommy gun instead of it being just a Thompson with a drum mag.

i'd want to see what kind of energy weapon mods and ammo types for energy weapons there are and what the buyable cards are for?