What is the longest you have left a PC on for?

I tried leaving it on yesterday, downloading some movies, and I couldn't sleep because of the bastard. Hums like a motherfucker.
I see a lot of really, really borderline warez talk in here. Don't.
I have left my computer on for a couple months, I generally only restart it if I am installing something that requires a reboot. Once in awhile I'll just turn it off for a bit to let it's muscles rest and build strength so that its stronger when i turn it on.

Sanders, is talking about bittorrent= warez? Will be get banned if they mention that they heard that people in korea pirate games? Totally borderlinege.
i generally try to restart it once a week to a month, whenever i think about it. the longest i think i have ever left it on without a restart is around 2-3 months when i was using win 2k.

i have never really experienced these " slowdowns " people report and i reguarly leave it on for weeks at a time. plus it heats up my room during the winter time.