Re: What is the origin of the crappy singleplayer RTS campai
Are you kidding me? The Singleplayer campaign in Starcraft, Red alert and Age of Empires is awesome.
So much work has been put into AoE explaining the history of each battle, the weapons used, the tribes...
Starcraft just like red alert has a god story, fun videos...
The thing is that you probably dislike singleplayer campaigns or think they are to easy overall.
But no way, I think that Starcraft has nothing in multiplayer that it has in singleplayer. It's actually extremely simplistic with no diplomacy, only two resources, no real tactical debth as in the singleplayer campaigns and such. (I mean seriously, everyone start at a similiar location, everyone mass resources and then either mass units or rush early on and even worse everyone play on the fastest speed so there's no way to use Zerg queens, Science vessels or anything like this in any large number efficiently).
But luckily there was a good level editor so people have made some really fun and cool scenarios like IMPOSSIBLE X.
Also RTS AI isn't that bad to be honest. It has an inability to organise large attacks and that is it's biggest weakness (shown especially in Civ3). It's quite good at the early and mid-game stages IMO. But the AI is good at campaign scenarios because it has set parameters on how to work and act in that scenario (often has that at least). But to be frank the AoE AI on the hardest level is good even on random maps. Maybe I just suck - despite beating Civ 3 on diety (Island map) and demi god (normal map) where the AI basicly outright cheats massively.
34thcell said:So I realised - many years ago - that most RTS games (of those that I've played) are multiplayer games with crappy singleplayer campaigns attatched, and I merely took this as a given. So now I am wondering what the origins of the crappy singleplayer campaign are i.e. AOE, AOM, SC.
Are you kidding me? The Singleplayer campaign in Starcraft, Red alert and Age of Empires is awesome.
So much work has been put into AoE explaining the history of each battle, the weapons used, the tribes...
Starcraft just like red alert has a god story, fun videos...
The thing is that you probably dislike singleplayer campaigns or think they are to easy overall.
But no way, I think that Starcraft has nothing in multiplayer that it has in singleplayer. It's actually extremely simplistic with no diplomacy, only two resources, no real tactical debth as in the singleplayer campaigns and such. (I mean seriously, everyone start at a similiar location, everyone mass resources and then either mass units or rush early on and even worse everyone play on the fastest speed so there's no way to use Zerg queens, Science vessels or anything like this in any large number efficiently).
But luckily there was a good level editor so people have made some really fun and cool scenarios like IMPOSSIBLE X.
Also RTS AI isn't that bad to be honest. It has an inability to organise large attacks and that is it's biggest weakness (shown especially in Civ3). It's quite good at the early and mid-game stages IMO. But the AI is good at campaign scenarios because it has set parameters on how to work and act in that scenario (often has that at least). But to be frank the AoE AI on the hardest level is good even on random maps. Maybe I just suck - despite beating Civ 3 on diety (Island map) and demi god (normal map) where the AI basicly outright cheats massively.