What is your favorite perk/trait?

fallout ranger said:
I never took fast shot, it just wasn't worth the inability to target the eyes (wicked critical) for one lousy AP.
Er, one less AP per shot makes a big difference. Combine that with 9 or 10 agility and bonus rate of fire, and you can make a whole lotta shots per round.

'Course, I never took it either (unless I was using big guns, which can't target anyway), because I like targeting too much.
There is only one true combo of two traits and two perks (even though the number of perks isn't limited to two, durr, but if you would only get to pick two), at least when it comes to getting a powerful char in terms of having a char that will most easily play through the game. Roleplaying and all that aside, that is.

Traits: Gifted/Finesse
Perks: Sniper/Bonus RoF

Sniper cancels Finesse, but Finesse is gold before lvl 24 (when you're ready to complete the game anyway, so I guess Sniper isn't really necessary, but oy, it's still the bestest.)

I still think Fallout 1/2 is best between the leather jacket/9mm fase to the metal armor/pancor jackhammer fase - when you actually get sniper it's fun for ten minutes, then it gets old.