So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

My two cents:
If its dated, it was relevant when it was made, but after a few years stops mattering.
If its a period piece, its set in a specefic time period (even if that period was the current time when made), but it remains something people can watch and relate to enough to enjoy it.
caveat: the graphics/effects being dated are not fully connected to the entire work being dated, an old work with dated graphics can continue remaining relevant on the strength of the writing/acting, classic era Doctor Who and Star Trek TOS are prime examples of works with dated graphics.
If its dated, it was relevant when it was made, but after a few years stops mattering.
If its a period piece, its set in a specefic time period (even if that period was the current time when made), but it remains something people can watch and relate to enough to enjoy it.
caveat: the graphics/effects being dated are not fully connected to the entire work being dated, an old work with dated graphics can continue remaining relevant on the strength of the writing/acting, classic era Doctor Who and Star Trek TOS are prime examples of works with dated graphics.