What others think about the Fallout games.


Antediluvian as Feck
This thread is where I will try and keep up-to-date player rates/ranks of all the Fallout games, in all the platforms I can remember (Metacritic, Steam, GOG.com, Glitchwave).
I will make these listings from the highest-rated to lowest-rated game.

So here it is, what other people think about the Fallout games:

Steam (rate from 1 to 100):
GOG.com (rate from 1 to 5 ☆):
Metacritic (rate 1 to 10):
Glitchwave (rate from 0.5 to 5.0):

GOG list now has FO4 GOTY ratings, since the game is now also on GOG!

Also added all the FO4 GOTY ratings for all platforms on Metacritic.

Apparently, the FO4 GOTY on Steam is a bundle package (base game and all DLCs) and not a full game with a store page like FO3 GOTY or FNV UE. So the FO4 GOTY has no ratings on Steam. :look:

All Fallout games (except the newly added FO4) on GOG lost 0.1 on the overall rating, while the verified owner rating stayed the same. :scratch:

I will be honest, I thought the ratings for most, if not all the games would be changing on all platforms due to the Fallout TV series, but it seems like the amount of changes is pretty consistent with the other times I updated this list.
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Shelter having a better rating on Steam than any other of main series Bethesda Fallout games is hilarious.
For a long time Fallout 3 was the highest on metacritic even out reviewing Fallout NV. I wonder what changed...
For a long time Fallout 3 was the highest on metacritic even out reviewing Fallout NV. I wonder what changed...
Players got older.

I have been saying this for years:
"Over the years I've met many players that preferred FO3 over FNV, but changed their mind with time. I don't remember ever meeting someone that preferred FNV over FO3 and later changed their mind."

This is still true today. :boy:
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Quite surprising that Fallout 4 and 3 used to have high scores, and went downhills drastically. Wasn't it around 90 or something when it first came out?
Updated first post.

Quite surprising that Fallout 4 and 3 used to have high scores, and went downhills drastically. Wasn't it around 90 or something when it first came out?
I can't remember, to be honest. But it might be the case that those numbers were the ratings from critics (they are higher). But I only mention the players ratings, because those are the actual reviews and values I consider honest. People who actually played and paid for the games.

Not to mention that critic rates are pretty much set in stone. The critics rate the games once and forget about it. While player rates are never static, they're usually updated by old players and let's not forget that new rates from new players are always coming in too.

Also FO4 did have people changing their reviews when the Creation Club was released. Players hated the inclusion of Creation Club, the CC content and how it would break their mods every time it updates.
I feel like FO3 got hit by FO4. That's crazy. I like the game a lot. As many criticisms as there are for the lore and delivering on FO, the games quality is in the 80s, not 70s.

Glad to see NV on top so much. I have more playthroughs in NV than any other game. Definitely in my top 3 all time with the exact spot changing with my mood.
I feel like FO3 got hit by FO4. That's crazy. I like the game a lot. As many criticisms as there are for the lore and delivering on FO, the games quality is in the 80s, not 70s.
I think one of the reasons it's low is because the Steam version doesn't work properly on Windows 10, without having to go through extra steps and loops.
This, of course, annoys people who buy the game there and then they rate it lower.
have you thought about dedicating a page of its own to this, all backed up by some webscrapey auto compile nonsense backend?
I wouldn't know where to start, and due to my sleep disorder, I can't really learn new stuff very well (or at all).
Most of the time I can't even form good sentences. One of the reasons I don't post much anymore, my brain is mostly melted these days.
replaying tactics, it was always a good game, plenty of heart - personally, a lot of my unease with the title was that it kept reminding me of what "Van Buren" could have looked and felt like