Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Keep playing.
Just because youv'e done every faction once, dosen't mean youv'e done everything.
When siding with Yes Man you can create a state of anarchy and lawlessness, or if you play your cards right you cant create a secure indipendant Vegas for example, regarding how you deal with Hoover Dam, the Fiends, etc etc.
Also, try very hard/hardcore take a clip of bullets and a rifle and go and live in a shack for a few weeks, it can be quite fun. Try Wolfhorn ranch.
Just because youv'e done every faction once, dosen't mean youv'e done everything.
When siding with Yes Man you can create a state of anarchy and lawlessness, or if you play your cards right you cant create a secure indipendant Vegas for example, regarding how you deal with Hoover Dam, the Fiends, etc etc.
Also, try very hard/hardcore take a clip of bullets and a rifle and go and live in a shack for a few weeks, it can be quite fun. Try Wolfhorn ranch.