What to play after you've played everything?


Still Mildly Glowing
There comes a time when you will have finished dozens of videogames of your favorite genre. But that's not the end of the world, you branch out and start playing more games, trying out more and more genres you haven't even heard of.. but what do you do after you realize that after searching for 1 month you only replayed the games you already like and never found another interesting game after asking all your friends, watched all "Best 10/25/100 video game tops" , even checked some game genre from the first known game created to the last.

Maybe you can share here "that" game that probably no one heard about but you had so much fun with.
BonusWaffle said:
alpha protocol
Me too.
It can be beaten in a week and have a lots of replay value.
I'd love to replay NV of Fo2...but... these 2 are spents lots of time to fully enjoy it.
Usually, that's a good sign it's time to go outside for a little bit :lol:

I usually resort to TBS game because they're fun and are also nice timesinks. Civ IV, Disciples II, Endless Space...

If all fails - go arcade, like Shank or Super House of Dead Ninjas :D
Get the next indie bundle. Some of these games are just great. I have a different problem, I have too many games and can't decide what to play. I don't have enough time.
Some lesser known good games I know of are:
Dungeon Keeper 1, Medieval II

Also, there's a new game on steam called Chivalry: Medieval Warfare that is so great. It's the new thing I'm hooked on. I'm also playing Skyrim, trying to get to Dragonborn because I heard it's good.
sea said:
Replay Arcanum, because it's the best game ever made.

How can you stomach the combat in this game? :/ It's always a dealbreaker for me and responsible that I still havent finished the game beside the rest of the game being very good..
Surf Solar said:
How can you stomach the combat in this game? :/ It's always a dealbreaker for me and responsible that I still havent finished the game beside the rest of the game being very good..
Same as how you stomach combat in PS:T, Neverwinter 1 or any number of other games with excellent storytelling and poor to mediocre combat.

Or, you make a Pyrotechnic Axe, and pretty much speed-auto-win anything combat-related :lol:

P.S. I find TOEE much more replayable than Arcanum, because there are only so many paths you can take in a game, but good TB combat never gets boring.
I have a small reserve backlog of games I like to call "everything released after 2003".
I'm going to try Alpha Protocol.

I feel like I have to recommend you some games in return: Mount&Blade with Sword of Damocles mod 4.5 Version (or 4.7 can't remember) is a blast.

Capitalism Lab - is the new Capitalism 2 with lots of updates. It has some downsides but you can sink lots of hours in it since you can now buy LAND which gains value over time, rents can be set to auto and stock market is better.

Some other: Evil Genius + some indie games like Mark of the Ninja, Project Zomboid, Hotline Miami.
Last I checked VI=6, not four...

Sorry for confusing you, though. If I'm not mistaken - FF3 is the same as FF6 as in US it was the third published FF game, but in Japan already the sixth.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
woo1108 said:
Gaspard said:
The good ol' Final Fantasy III/VI 8-)
Why 3,4? 5,6 are more famous then 3,4 from I heard.

In that case you better only play Fallout 3 and don't touch that shitstorm Fallout
I mean is there any good point that 3,4 have but 5,6 haven't.
Just curious not for blame.
Gaspard said:
Last I checked VI=6, not four...

Sorry for confusing you, though. If I'm not mistaken - FF3 is the same as FF6 as in US it was the third published FF game, but in Japan already the sixth.
That's quite confusing :lol:
By the way(in japan's numbering) I haven't heard about FF3 has better points then previous games or sequel though 4 has better point that other FF doesn't have.
I'm not sure what those "points" are that you're talking about..

I guess it comes down to preference. I liked the Second game and the Sixth, the Fourth one was cool as well. But the Sixth is my definite favourite
It's funny that this topic came up. One of the games I turn to after getting that "played everything" feeling is staring me in the face. Shadowrun for the SNES. Sure it's not totally true to the source materials but I was 10 when I first discovered it, so didn't the fuck Shadowrun was suppose to be anyway. Also Ogre Battle 64: A Person of Lordly Caliber. Wish they'd make another Ogre Battle. That game had a surprising amount of depth for a 1999 console game. I also recently, thanks to GoG.com, got into the Ultima games. Stopped at 7 for the moment since free time for me is a little scarce at this time. Another thing I do is look into older games and franchises I missed out on when I was younger.

I didn't have great PC's growing up and had to use my cousin's computer to get any access to pc games. Hell I didn't get to play Terror From the Deep till I was about 20ish. Can't remember clearly as lately everything is just a blur of black coffee, work and sleep.
I don't really play new games. But with respect to the older games I do play, once I get to that phase where I feel like I've played them all/don't have any I want to play, I usually pull out Might and Magic 6 through 8.

So I guess long story short, I never reach that phase of exploring games outside my "genre" because I like sticking with the safety blanket :).
Another War. It's a WW2 RPG. I haven't played it myself, so maybe it's not very polished. You should still check it out.