von vindicator
First time out of the vault

examples like whitch returning towns would you like to see again i would like to see new reno and the hub , junktown and gekco heh heh it would be neat to go to the glow again or see arroyo
von vindicator said:.. new reno ...
von vindicator said:examples like whitch returning towns would you like to see again i would like to see new reno and the hub , junktown and gekco heh heh it would be neat to go to the glow again or see arroyo
SNorth said:I want to find out what happened to New York, Detroit or Chicago. Are they radioactive pestholes? Is there room in any of them for another miserable wanderer?
Cimmerian Nights said:Even communities like the Amish (assuming they survived) would have a huge leg up, they could be like some shining beacon of developed civilization. They'd be right where they left off pre-war of course, but due to their lack of dependence on technology, much better suited to survival. Again, it needs some kind of ironic twist, so they'd still be anti-pre-war-tech (or technology of any kind), and religious fanatics of somesort (thus natural enemies of the BOS-types)
Per said:Demonslayer, please cool it with the short useless posts.
Ausir said:I doubt they'll use any Van Buren locations after the design docs leaked.