what were you doing on 9/11

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I was at the law school doing research on rule of law when I heard from a foreign student that a plane had crashed in the World Trade Center. I thought it was a private plane flying too close. Something similar had happened to the Empire State Building.

But they said it was a jumbo jet. After that I was glued to the TV. It was only when the second plane crashed did I realize it wasn't a freak accident.
i was sleapin when all 3 planes hit. it all happened about a half hour before i woke up. durring the day all we did at school was watch cnn, exept in a few of my classes that had mormon teacher, and they thought we should work instead...
I was in school, specifically grade 9 english class at 10am-ish, when everything blew up and our principal was like "O NOEZ ATTAK ON US O NOAZ STAY CALM AND BE NIEC TO TERRORISTES". I was pretty happy but saddened later when nothing really changed and bush's popularity was inflated. :cry: I watched a lot of newscasts though.
It was like somewhere between 10 and 11pm and I just noticed my dad stand and staring at the TV, which was broadcasting CNN news, and i saw the planes crash into the buildings, and I thought it wasn't real...But unfortunately it was real. The first real big disaster that has happened in the US in a long time
I am from Florida, but I was in Florence, Italy that semester studying abroad. We had gone to museums earlier that day, and we were in the school waiting for class when we heard about it over the radio. We didn't think it was that important because we didn't get all the details. Halfway through class, we found out, and we were sent home. It was strange, being so scared in another country, watching them act rather indifferent.
I was in my accounting class at break time. I stayed in the room to catch up on some work, so I found out about it when people started to return from the lobby after listening to the radio. After that, class was wrapped up and we all went home. Indeed, it was a horrible day for the US.
atoga said:
I was pretty happy but saddened later when nothing really changed and bush's popularity was inflated. :cry: I watched a lot of newscasts though.

It's always a joyous occasion when people you don't like because of their nationality die.
I came home and booted up tribes 2. I went on the forums and found a post named "OMG MUST READ!" It read "OMG THERE KAMIKAZEING INTO THE WORLD TRADE CENTERS OMG". That made me think of the japanese and worldwar2. I stuck the radio on and heard a lot of screaming and terror. I flicked the telly on and searched for an american news channel (im English) and found CNN. It was then that i found out what was happening.

Well I was in school... a teacher came in and said: "A plane just flew into the world trade center"... and it didn't look like he was serious... like he didn't really believe it himself. we dismissed it as a bad joke. Then I came out on the stair case and saw the smoke coming out from manhattan through the window. a bunch of people were by the window staring at it. I was like "WHOA" (Keanu reeves style) we stared at it for like 15 minutes and then went to class. in the middle of classes the principal announced a meeting in the auditorium... everyone came, we didn't know what to do, so they told us to go home. I came outside the building and there was ash falling down from the sky, and the school is in brooklyn, pretty far, like 5 maybe 10 miles from WTC, but there was ash in the air, all over. You couldn't see anything in manhattan, it was that much smoke and ash.. me and a bunch of friends went to the local WIZ store and sat there on the floor watching the towers burn. Nobody wanted to go home. I was thinking that this was the answer to my prayers of the end of the world, but it wasn't, I came home to find my father sitting infront of the TV with wide eyes. it was crazy, but nobody I knew worked there.

That day I logged onto battle net and created my first D2LOD character... it was a beginging of a new life. LOL well a week passed and things settled down, it was never as bad as they showed it on TV, it never is for those that live in the hotspot. But yes a lot of people died. And its sad. What can I say, at least it was planes, not nukes or some crazy chemical warfare... at least we're alive and not dead or turned into ghouls the like of Harrold.
atoga said:
I was pretty happy but saddened later when nothing really changed and bush's popularity was inflated. :cry: I watched a lot of newscasts though.

You, sir, are an idiot, and that is probably the most offensive thing I've ever read on this forum.

You, sir, are an idiot, and that is probably the most offensive thing I've ever read on this forum.

Here,Here in total agreement
I was laughing all day.
In your face, economic superpower!
Gustav_Drangeid said:
I was laughing all day.
In your face, economic superpower!

Really sorry about that, most Norwgians are not like that we do unfortunatly have some people that does not like it when their nation is more powerfull than ours. I think it is because of their penis sise or something.

Hey du din femtekolnistiske AKPer hoil dein jævla kjeftn din lukka. Steiki ta, du skønne faan meg ingen ting ikke saint? Du e satan meg dein beste begrunnelsa for at bror og søste itj har lov te å få barn.
Weird Atoga I was in the exact same place, feeling fairly alienated. Meh, we've killed triple that number in retaliation, if that makes anybody feel better, and we provoked it with a war killing 30 times as many.
As the great Kurt Vonnegut would say, "So it goes."
Malkavian said:
You, sir, are an idiot, and that is probably the most offensive thing I've ever read on this forum.

YOU WIN MISTER GOATSE Congratulations for taking that way outta context & being as easily offended as a soccer mom.
Gustav_Drangeid said:
I was laughing all day.
In your face, economic superpower!

Loxley said:
Really sorry about that, most Norwgians are not like that we do unfortunatly have some people that does not like it when their nation is more powerfull than ours. I think it is because of their penis sise or something.

Really sorry about that, most Norwegians don't get affended by things like this,I did'nt say I enjoyed seeing american civilians die, what I was trying to say is that the loss of WTC should give the American president (unfortunatly mr. Bush) a chance to realize what America has been doing for the last decades.

According to the language:
"Steiki ta, du skønne faan meg ingen ting ikke saint? Du e satan meg dein beste begrunnelsa for at bror og søste itj har lov te å få barn."
-this is a Norwegian living in the mountains, isolated from every form of contact with people outside the villagers community.
This "aboriginal Norwegian" does not know of the cruel American millitary actions, killing millions of innocent lives over the past decades.

As for another thing, the size of my penis is quite irrelevant... Why women seem to enjoy spending the night however , is another case 8)
ALright, this is stupid. Seriously, people actually support the actions on 9/11 because it makes Americans see what they did wrong??
What a fucking bullshit! The only thing it did was cause a lot of deaths on the day itself, and the joining of the entire American nation AGAINST terrorism, and not making them see what they did. As well as that, it also caused thousands of other deaths in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Oh, yeah, that's definitely all very positive, especially the part where the USA really is working on what they did wrong, oh wait, that's right, Mr. Bush is actually going against any kind of environmental and peace plan made over the past decades, not to mention he started two wars and has been on some kind of weird hostile crusade. Yeah, that's definitely the AMericans seeing what they did wrong...
I had the day off so saw it on the news. I didn't really think about anything except it must be shitty being in new york, and what the tallest building would be now.

I don't really care if the lesson was pointless, or if no-one learnt anything. It was probably a good intention though.
Appologise for that loser, in norway there is some groups of people that has their own twisted way of looking at the world, and they don't like that norway is a minipower comppared with the us who is a hyperpower, they also fail to see the great favours that the US has done for norway.

Eg antar at dein 6 eg fekk i historie ikke har lært meg ein dritt? Dein fikk eg på ALLMENE FAG VIDEREGÅENDE tredje året. Du skjønne itj at dein aksjon føra te fleire lidelsa krig og aina ting som kuinna ha vore unngått viss det itj har skjedd noko.
Eg antar at du itj har lært av historien og har forstått at ein slik aksjon som 11 sep bærre kjem te å før te meir "cruel American millitary actions"

Ass for me beeing an aboriginal it is not true, also i live at the coast, so another wrong. I do belive that herr gustav can be found in the blitz house in oslo where he sits along with the rest of the The-gouverment-are-tracking-us freaks and making new theories about how the world is really run.

Edit he is also a 16 year old norwgian, and hence has very little understanding about history and world vide politics. He is also probably very easy to affect. So i suggest we forgive him for now.
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